Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following call for students to join the protests in response to the escalation of the war in Afghanistan.


By Eric Gardner

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Los Angeles, CA – Student protests continued across California, Nov. 20, in the wake of the heavily-protested decision of the University of California (UC) regents to raise undergraduate tuition by a staggering 32%.


By Eric Gardner

Sign says "No Cuts No Fees Education Should be Free" at UCLA

Los Angeles, CA – Students from all over the state of California gathered at the University of California regents meeting on UCLA campus Nov.19. They were there to protest proposed fee hikes.


By Fern

Daytona, FL – On Veterans Day, Nov. 11, a group of students, workers and community activists protested against a reactionary Tea Party rally in Daytona. The Tea Party organizers are racist, right-wing extremists and supporters of the Republican Party. The Tea Party rallied against health care reform, opposing the public option for insurance. Counter-demonstrators supported health care for all and promoted the single-payer option, which would create a viable system for years to come. Many of the protesters present were members of Gainesville Area Students for a Democratic Society.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Students for a Democratic Society at the University of Minnesota.


By staff

Campaign for Education Rights launching National Day of Action for Education Rights on Nov. 10

Students holding an "Education is a right" banner at Univeristy of Wisconsin.

In the midst of budget cuts, pay cuts, and tuition hikes in the face of the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, youth groups from around the country have assembled the Campaign for Education Rights and are launching a National Day of Action for Education Rights on Nov. 10 all over the country.


By University of Minnesota Students for a Democratic Society

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Students for a Democratic Society at the Twin Cites campus of the University of Minnesota.


By Kas Schwerdtfeger

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Milwaukee, WI – Over 100 students marched and took over the chancellor's office at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Oct. 29, to demand the resignation of racist student senator Kyle Duerstein. The rally was put together by the newly-formed coalition Students Equalizing Rights Forever.


By University of Minnesota Students for a Democratic Society

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following call from Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at the University of Minnesota.


By Kati Ketz

Students holding a banner that says "US out of Afghanistan"

In a day of action organized by Students for a Democratic Society, October 7 saw dozens of protests across the country against the Afghanistan war on the 8th anniversary of the U.S. invasion. Students marched, conducted die-ins and skits, and some were arrested as they demanded money be spent at home on education and healthcare, instead of two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.