Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Kas Schwerdtfeger

Detroit, MI – Members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) met June 24 at the U.S. Social Forum. There they discussed the state of the anti-war movement and their plans for future action on campuses and within communities.


By Daniel Ginsberg

Protesters at Board of Regents meeting in Milwaukee

Milwaukee, WI – Dozens of people arrived to an emergency protest, June 10, organized by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) Students for a Democratic Society and the UWM Education Rights Campaign, as the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents met to decide whether to hike tuition by another 5.5%.


By Michael Graham

Protestors speaking out against Israel's massacre of activists

Asheville, NC – The University of North Carolina at Asheville Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) held a demonstration here, June 7, against the Freedom Flotilla murders committed by Israeli commandos. Protesters condemned the barbarity of the Israeli blockade against Gaza and recognized the brave people who were killed in their attempt to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza.


By Jacob Flom

Milwaukee protest condemns  Israel killings on Freedom Flotilla ship

Milwaukee, WI – 75 people rallied outside the Federal Building here June 1, condemning Israel's deadly attack on the Freedom Flotilla.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – The Chop from the Top Coalition at the University of Minnesota, which includes undergraduate & graduate students, staff and faculty, blasted the budget proposal that University President Bob Bruinicks presented at a meeting of the Board of Regents, May 14th


By Jeremy Miller

Protest in Asheville against hate crimes

Over 300 people gathered to protest hate crimes in Asheville, North Carolina. The protesters began in the Montford District of Asheville, chanting, “Queer or straight, we don't hate!” The spirited protest met at local business “Todd’s Tasties” and marched two miles to Pack Square in downtown Asheville.


By Grace Kelley

U of MN Students, Staff and Faculty Unite!

March 4 protest for education rights at the University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN – On April 28, the Save Our School and Chop from the Top coalitions held a community forum called “The People’s State of the University” in Coffman Memorial Union at the University of Minnesota. Initiated by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), the event served to counter President Bruininks’ State of the University address (which was only presented as a written document online) with alternate viewpoints from the University community.


By Kosta Harlan

Chapel Hill, NC – At a press conference here on April 21, students expressed their outrage that the racist ex-congressperson, Tom Tancredo, has been invited to return to the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill campus for a speaking event on April 26, hosted by a right-wing youth organization.


By Jess Sundin

At the University of Minnesota over 50 people protested at the campus ROTC

Minneapolis, MN – Morning rush hour drivers into downtown Minneapolis were greeted by several banners across the interstates reading, “Jobs not war” and “Recruiters lie people die.” This was the start of Zero Recruitment Day (ZRD), where more than 150 people protested at six military recruiting sites in Minnesota.


By Jacob Flom

Milwaukee, WI – The Milwaukee 16 went to court to plead not guilty, April 15. Outside, a host of TV cameras and news crews were covering their case. When asked to comment on the case, the lawyers and arrestees demanded, “Drop the charges!”