Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Daniel Ginsberg

Milwaukee SDS sign says "Student Bailout not Student Debt"

Milwaukee, WI – If high level administrators and the resigning chancellor thought the education rights movement at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) would go away this year, they are wrong. School began at UW-Milwaukee with an energized and well-attended speak-out on education rights. Organized by Milwaukee Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), the speak-out announced new demands for whoever the next chancellor may be.


By staff

SDS at UNC-Asheville protest bigotry, racism, and war on Sept 11

Asheville, NC – Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at University of North Carolina-Asheville and allied community members assembled at Pack Square Sept. 11, united to oppose bigotry, racism and war. The demonstrators stood determined to promote their peace and justice message in solidarity with the Gainesville chapter of SDS who were leading a large protest against Terry Jones and the Koran burning that same day.


By staff

Rallies set in cities across the U.S. against planned Koran burning

Students for a Democratic Society at the University of North Carolina-Asheville will hold a rally downtown along with peace, social justice and other activists from the Asheville community on Sept. 11, the anniversary of the 2001 attacks in New York and Washington D.C., to speak out against a wave of anti-Muslim bigotry that has spread across the U.S. in recent weeks. The event will also call for an end to U.S. wars and occupations being carried out in the name of ‘fighting terrorism.’ This rally will coincide with others like it being held in cities across the country.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) denounces the planned burning of the Qur’an by a racist and reactionary church in Gainesville, Florida. We are outraged. Our organization is united with others, determined to stop this evil act with all the means available. We promise to do all in our power to shut down the Qur’an-burning by Terry Jones and his Dove Church.


By Daniel Ginsberg

March 4th protesters in Milwaukee.

Milwaukee, WI – Milwaukee Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and the movement for education rights at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) is celebrating a victory just as school begins. UWM Chancellor Carlos Santiago declared he is resigning by October 1, 2010.


By Michael Graham

Asheville, NC – Across the country, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) is gearing up for an important fall semester. Chapters everywhere are seeing renewed interest and higher turnout than in past months. The evidence projects a coming year of great activity and enthusiasm.


By Kas Schwerdtfeger

SDS Members protest the war in Afghanistan.

Milwaukee, WI — The new school year has started at many campuses and members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) are preparing for this year’s important SDS National Convention. Set for Oct. 22-24 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the convention will be the first since the historic March 4 Protests for Education Rights that took place in 36 states around the country. Because of the greatest economic crisis since the 1930’s Great Depression, most state governments are now in budget crisis, with politicians trying to shift the burden onto working people and making cuts to public education. SDS is building the movement opposing cuts to public education and hopes their fall convention draws more new students to attend and coordinate plans for the school year.


By staff

Asheville SDS protests BP oil spill in Gulf Coast

Asheville, NC – Leaders of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and community environmentalists gathered in Pack Square, downtown Asheville, on July 17 to demand that BP pay for the disastrous oil spill that continues to devastate the Gulf Coast.


By Meredith Aby

Fernando Figueroa, an activist with Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

Albany, NY – The National Conference to Bring the Troops Home Now met in Albany, New York, July 23-25. Around 700 activists from across the country came together to discuss and debate how to build the anti-war movement and to plan for coordinated days of protest.


By staff

Milwaukee March 4 protest for educational rights

Milwaukee, WI – The Milwaukee 16, the students who were arrested at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) on March 4, the National Day of Action to Defend Education, have achieved victory. On June 29, the University offered to drop the charges and the investigation into the conduct of the UWM campus police continues.