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SDS Asheville protests Israeli killings on Freedom Flotilla

By Michael Graham

Protestors speaking out against Israel's massacre of activists

Asheville, NC – The University of North Carolina at Asheville Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) held a demonstration here, June 7, against the Freedom Flotilla murders committed by Israeli commandos. Protesters condemned the barbarity of the Israeli blockade against Gaza and recognized the brave people who were killed in their attempt to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza.

The protest was held at the Asheville Federal Building. SDS members decried the gross violation of international law perpetrated by the Israelis in attacking a humanitarian convoy in international waters.

Josh Sykes, an SDS member and anti-war organizer said, “Every year the United States directly supports Israeli atrocities with billions of dollars in military and economic aid. The students and community members of Asheville, North Carolina say that U.S. aid to Israel must stop. The people of Palestine have the right to build and operate their nation as they see fit and they are being systematically denied that right by Israel. Damn Israel for forcing Palestinians into these atrocious conditions and double-damn the foreign aid to Israel.”

#AshevilleNC #AntiwarMovement #StudentMovement #Palestine #StudentsForADemocraticSocietySDS #FreedomFlotilla

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