Líderes del movimiento de solidaridad en Estados Unidos (EE.UU) con el pueblo de Colombia han condenado la masacre del Primero de Marzo en el territorio de Ecuador, perpetrada por militares del gobierno colombiano con la asistencia de EE.UU., en la cual fue asesinado el miembro del Secretariado y portavoz de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP) Raul Reyes, 17 guerrilleros 5 civiles mexicanos y un número no determinado de civiles ecuatorianos.
Esta es una entrevista con Raul Reyes, hecho en julio 2000. Fue grabado por Jess Sundin, una activista en solidaridad con Colombia, un miembro de Freedom Road Socialist Organization.
Raul Reyes, a leading member of the FARC – the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – was killed by the U.S. backed Colombian government March 1. Fight Back! asked Jess Sundin, who traveled to Colombia and met with Raul Reyes, to give her impressions of him and to speak about the significance of his slaying. Sundin is a member of Freedom Road Socialist Organization and an important leader in Minnesota’s peace and justice movement.
The following is a video interview of Raul Reyes, given in July, 2000. It was filmed by Jess Sundin, a Colombia solidarity activist and a member of Freedom Road Socialist Organization. The following is a English translation of a few excerpts from Raul Reyes statement, which is in Spanish.
Several leaders of the U.S. movement in solidarity with the Colombian people condemned the March 1 killing of Raul Reyes, the main spokesperson for the FARC, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. Reyes was murdered in Ecuador by Colombian troops with U.S. assistance.
¡Lucha y Resiste! entrevistó a Marco Leon Calarca, un portavoz de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), para familiarizar nuestra comunidad con la guerra que esta desplegando en Colombia.
The Colombia Action Network is organizing events in six cities to honor and remember those killed by the U.S.-backed war in Colombia. March 1 is significant because one year ago the U.S. government directed an attack inside Ecuador that killed Raul Reyes and 25 others. Raul Reyes was a commander of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army (FARC-EP). Angela Denio who will be speaking in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, said, “We will remember the brave Colombian rebels, Ecuadorian supporters and Mexican students who died at the hands of the U.S.-sponsored attack in Ecuador, especially FARC leader Raul Reyes who gave his life for the freedom of the Colombian people.”
La Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad (FRSO) está de luto por la muerte del revolucionario colombiano Raul Reyes. El ataque que mató al Cdte. Raul Reyes y a 17 otros de sus camaradas cuando dormían en un campamento temporal dentro del territorio de Ecuador. Sucedió el 1o. de marzo y fue llevado a cabo por los militares colombianos y dirigido por el gobierno de Estados Unidos (EE.UU ). Esto fue un asesinato a sangre fría.