Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Protest for justice for Jamar Clark at Minneapolis mayor's office.

Minneapolis, MN – Community members took over the office of Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, June 12. They demanded the mayor take the actions – actions that he has the power to take – to get justice for the family of Jamar Clark.


By staff

Come to the National Conference Nov. 22 – 24, Chicago, IL

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Fight Back News Service is circulating the following call to refound the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (CAARPR)


By linden

![Press conference April 15 blasts unequal justice]( “Press conference April 15 blasts unequal justice Press conference April 15 blasts unequal justice shown by the trial of the police murder of Justine Ruszczyk Damond.

(Fight Back! News/staff)”)

Minneapolis, MN – Anti-police crimes groups came together for a press conference, April 15, in the Hennepin County courthouse, to denounce the unequal justice shown by the trial of the police murder of Justine Ruszczyk Damond. The killer, former police officer Mohamed Noor, is a Somali American, and the victim a white woman from a wealthy part of the city.


By Chase Gordon

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Tampa, FL – On February 28, the Tampa Bay chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) held a Black Lives Matter rally at the University of South Florida for the seventh anniversary of Trayvon Martin’s death. In 2012, Trayvon Martin, 17, was shot and killed by George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida, after returning from a nearby gas station. The trial of Zimmerman became a national phenomenon with him walking free due to Florida’s ‘stand your ground’ law. The shooting is still fresh on Florida’s mind, with many questioning the judicial system that let a man off with murder.


By staff

Suzuki speaks at the San Jose Day of Remembrance.

San José, CA – On Sunday, February 17, more than 400 people filled the San Jose Buddhist Church gym for the 39th annual Day of Remembrance event. Across the country, Japanese American communities commemorate the anniversary of Executive Order 9066, which led to the incarceration of more than 100,000 Americans of Japanese descent during World War II. The San Jose event was organized by NOC, the Nihonmachi [Japantown] Organizing Committee.


By Joe Iosbaker

Jeanette Taylor pledged to join with other aldermen to submit CPAC legislation

Chicago, IL – 18 candidates for city council, plus one candidate for mayor, took part in a press conference today, January 9, at City Hall in Chicago. They announced their support for an elected Civilian Police Accountability Council (CPAC). Of the 212 candidates running, 47 support the CPAC legislation.


By Joe Iosbaker

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Chicago, IL – A room of 150 trade unionists and activists from the Black, Arab, Filipino and Latino communities cheered, chanted and sang at the 27th People’s Thanksgiving in Chicago, December 1. Sponsored by Freedom Road Socialist Organization, raising funds for the newspaper Fight Back!, the theme of the event was, “Ending Rahm’s Racist Agenda, Fighting for the People’s Agenda.” Awards were given to groups that represented important movements challenging the mayor and his buddies in the 1%.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Jacksonville District

Jacksonville, FL – On November 6, Floridians will vote on 12 amendments to the state constitution. Some of these amendments would have a far greater impact on the working-class and oppressed communities of this state than others. Several reached the ballot by citizens’ petition, while others were added by Governor Rick Scott’s majority-appointed Florida Constitutional Revision Commission, which met in 2017.


By Christina Kittle

A dive into national oppression, violence and trauma in Jacksonville, Florida

Jacksonville Community Action Committee building opposition to police crimes.

Jacksonville, FL – The United States has a notorious history with the national oppression of Black people. In the South, remnants of slave society exist as a constant reminder of this – Confederate street names, school names and monuments are physical reminders one encounters daily – but we see it also manifest in the social structure of the Black Belt South – the historically constituted nation of Black people in the United States.


By staff

Tampa activists protest at a Tampa area funeral home, Sept. 21, the location of

Tampa, FL – Tampa activists protested at a Tampa area funeral home, Sept. 21, the location of the remains of torturer Jon Burge. The protesters demanded that the torture victims of Jon Burge be freed. They also called for the conviction of killer-cop Jason Van Dyke.


By staff

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Minneapolis, MN – A rally coinciding with the opening day of the Chicago murder trial of Jason Van Dyke, the white cop who killed Laquan McDonald, took place in north Minneapolis, Sept 5. The protest was one of many taking place across the U.S. to demand justice for Laquan McDonald and community control of the police. The rally was organized by the Twin Cities Coalition 4 Justice 4 Jamar.

#MinneapolisMN #OppressedNationalities #AfricanAmerican #PoliceBrutality #RacismInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #Antiracism #LaquanMcDonald #JasonVanDyke #TwinCitiesCoalitionForJustice4Jamar

By staff

Convict killer cop Jason VanDyke

Minneapolis, MN – A solidarity rally demanding justice for Laquan McDonald has been called for Sept. 5, at 6 p.m. on Broadway and Fremont Avenues in north Minneapolis.


By Will Blake

Tampa SDS rallies against racist attacks on campus.

Tampa, FL – Members from Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) from the Universities of South Florida (USF) and North Florida (UNF) held a Black Lives Matter event, Aug. 30, at the campus of USF. The rally was in direct response to the numerous instances of racist incidents and white supremacy on campus, including the placement of white-supremacist flyers on the MLK Jr. statue at the university, as well as the writings of racial slurs in a residential hall. The lack of acknowledgment and confrontation towards these problems by university administrators prompted members of SDS to demand accountability from USF.


By staff

Walk out at Jacksonville city council meeting.

Jacksonville, FL – It was a very violent weekend in Jacksonville. There was a shooting at the Raines High School versus Lee High School football game on Friday, August 24, and the following day, August 25, there was a shooting at the Jacksonville Landing during a video game tournament, leaving families and friends all over the city mourning. The Jacksonville city council typically meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, and although rescheduled due to voting in the statewide primaries, the city council meeting on Wednesday, August 29 was attended by many angry community members and activists that wanted answers.


By Sam Martinez

Minneapolis, MN – Minister Toya Woodland, her son and supporters held a press conference and speak-out at the Hennepin County Government Center, August 21, to demand that the charges against her be dropped. Woodland faces charges of terroristic threats, simply for being a mother standing up for her son against systemic racism.


By Ted Pearson

Chicago, IL – Mickiel Ward and Kenneth Williams have been found guilty of the murder of Hadiya Pendleton, and the battery with a firearm on Sebastian Moore and Lawrence Sellers. The news media are rejoicing with the family of the slain 15-year-old honor student who marched in President Obama’s second inauguration parade. Pendleton’s mother appeared after the verdict on television saying that she and her family intended to “celebrate” after the verdicts.


By staff

Chicago, IL – The Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, and Black Lives Matter-Chicago are calling for a protest Monday, July 16, 6 p.m., at 71st and Jeffrey to demand Justice for Harith Augustus, who was shot in the back Saturday afternoon by a Chicago police officer.


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – Over 60 people attended Black community leader Vaun L Mayes’ court date, July 5, at the federal courthouse in downtown Milwaukee. In this clear-cut case of political repression, Mayes is facing up to 30 years in prison for conspiracy to commit arson. This charge stems from the rebellion two years ago in the Sherman Park neighborhood, after Milwaukee police murdered the young Black man Sylville Smith in August 2016.


By Meredith Aby

March against the Muslim ban in Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – On June 26, over 600 protesters rallied at the U.S. Federal Courthouse in Minneapolis and then marched through downtown to protest the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to uphold President Trump’s Muslim ban. The rally was organized by the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the MN Anti-War Committee (AWC) as an emergency response to the Court’s 5-4 decision in Trump v. Hawaii.

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