Milwaukee African American leader Vaun L Mayes in court facing frame-up
Milwaukee, WI – Over 60 people attended Black community leader Vaun L Mayes’ court date, July 5, at the federal courthouse in downtown Milwaukee. In this clear-cut case of political repression, Mayes is facing up to 30 years in prison for conspiracy to commit arson. This charge stems from the rebellion two years ago in the Sherman Park neighborhood, after Milwaukee police murdered the young Black man Sylville Smith in August 2016.
The July 5 hearing was to determine if Mayes would be kept in jail leading up to his trial. After the judge determined he would be released, the government requested a stay in an attempt to appeal the decision – which was denied. The court room broke out in applause with this ruling.
#MilwaukeeWI #RacismInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #Antiracism #SylvilleSmith #VaunLMayes #ShermanPark
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