Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Steff Yorek

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Minneapolis, MN – Today at Noon NAACP head Nekima Levy-Pounds and hundreds of people held a press conference in front of the Minnesota Governors mansion to protest the police murder of Philando Castile on July 6, 2016. The aftermath of the shooting and death of Philando Castile was livestreamed by his partner Diamond Reynolds. Philando Castile had been driving while black when he was pulled over for a broken tail light. When asked by the officer for his license and registration he informed the man that he was a concealed carry permit holder and had a gun on his person. This is in compliance with Minnesota law and the procedures permit holders are instructed to use. The officer opened fire upon hearing that he had a gun, shooting him 3-5 times in the arm. Officers held Ms. Reynolds and her daughter in the car at gunpoint while Philando Castile bled to death in front of them. The livestream broadcast brought people to the scene who protested the murder throughout the night, eventually occupying the street in front of the MN Governors mansion. Philando Castile is remembered as a kind man who gave out extra graham crackers to the kids at J.J Hill school in St. Paul where he was a lunchroom supervisor. He was a 15 year member of Teamsters Local 320. This is at least the second police murder of an African American man this week

#MinneapolisMN #PoliceBrutality #PeoplesStruggles #MN #BlackLivesMatter #PhilandoCastile

By Brad Sigal

MIRAC members and Tracy Molm of the Welfare Rights Committee ask for donations

Minneapolis, MN – Large numbers of people came together July 1 on a beautiful Minneapolis summer evening for a ‘happy hour and appetizers’ fundraiser. The event raised money for a bus from Minneapolis to Cleveland to protest Donald Trump’s racist and anti-immigrant agenda on the first day of the Republican National Convention (RNC).


By staff

Twin Cites nurses on the picket line

Minneapolis, MN – Nurses who are part of the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) wrapped up a powerful seven-day strike on Sunday, June 26.


By staff

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Minneapolis, MN – AFSCME 3800 members – clerical workers at the University of Minnesota – joined nurses of the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) on the picket lines June24 to show their solidarity.


By staff

Twin Cities nurses on the picket line.

Minneapolis, MN – Members of the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) were on picket lines in force today, June, 20, as more than 4800 nurses began the second day of their seven-day unfair labor practices strike at five Allina Hospitals. A key issue is Allina’s demand that nurses take a big hit on health care benefits.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – About 40 organizations from across the U.S. have decided to back the large protest organized the Coalition to Stop Trump and March on the RNC that will take place on July 18, the first day of the Republican National Convention. The protest will put forward the slogans, “Dump Trump, Say No to the Republican Agenda. Stand against Racist, Anti-immigrant and Anti-Muslim Attacks. We demand Peace, Justice and Equality.”


By staff

Striking nurses picket Abbott Northwestern hospital

Minneapolis, MN – 4800 members of the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) from five Allina Hospitals in the Twin Cities Metro Area walked off the job today, June 19 , beginning a seven-day strike. Allina management is insisting that the nurses settle for a new contract that would change their health care plan to the same ‘corporate plan’ that non-contract employees have. This would dramatically increase their out of pocket expenses to receive the same health care that the nurses provide for the community at Allina Hospitals every day.


By staff

Striking nurses on the picket line

Minneapolis, MN – Nearly 5000 nurses, members of the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA), went on strike this morning, June 19, at Twin Cites metro area Allina hospitals. At issue is an attempt by Allina to take away the nurses’ health care plan. The strike will last seven days. Workers from a spectrum of the Twin Cities labor movement are joining nurses on the picket lines.

#MinneapolisMN #strike #MinnesotaNursesAssociation #Strikes

By mick

Cherrene Horazuk

Minneapolis, MN – About 150 members of AFSCME Local 3800, the union that represents clerical workers at the University of Minnesota, came together June 16 for a celebration of the 25th anniversary of the union’s founding. Early organizers of the union, past and present leaders, retirees, members other campus unions and Students for Democratic Society participated in the event.


By Martin Branyon

6 arrested at protest demanding greater access to university

U of MN students shutdown board of regents meeting.

Minneapolis, MN – On June 10, around 20 students, faculty and community members shut down the University Of Minnesota board of regents summer budgetary meeting. The action was in protest of tuition hikes and the failure of the university to address the needs of marginalized and working-class students.