Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Jess Sundin and Deb Konechne with bullhorn in front of banner.

Minneapolis, MN – Standing in front of the Federal Building here, March 24, leaders of the Coalition to March on the RNC and Stop the War and their lawyers announced they are seeking a preliminary injunction requiring the City of Saint Paul to grant the permits for their September 1 anti-war march. The attorneys from the National Lawyers Guild and the American Civil Liberties Union filed a complaint in federal district court later that day.


By Jess Sundin

Minneapolis, MN – In December, a year of US threats finally escalated to a full-scale, military assault on Iraq. The bombing campaign caused thousands of Iraqi deaths, and destroyed hospitals, roads, phone lines and civilian factories. President Clinton launched the attack in the midst of impeachment proceedings, in response to a report by chief weapons inspector, Richard Butler. Millions of people around the world protested the attacks, which ended in four days. Protest actions in Minneapolis mobilized hundreds each day.


By Jess Sundin

Minneapolis, MN – Public disapproval is growing fast against US-backed UN sanctions against Iraq. October 1-14, peace and justice groups nationwide protested the sanctions. Student organizations in the Twin Cities and Chicago areas educated hundreds about the devastation in Iraq.“We wanted to start the school year by getting the word out and putting on pressure to stop the genocidal sanctions!” said Jackson Potter, student activist at the University of Illinois – Chicago. Grassroots pressure won a letter from Congresspeople urging President Clinton to end economic sanctions against Iraq.


By linden

Minneapolis, MN – “It's time to declare war, on the war on the poor,” said Glen Johnson of the Minnesota Welfare Rights Coalition (MN-WRC) as fighters gathered here, June 23, for a crucial statewide meeting. At the meeting, MN-WRC groups laid plans for a campaign against time limits on welfare.


By Deb Konechne

Minneapolis, MN - November 19, poor families and members of the Welfare Rights Committee flooded into the Hennepin County Government Center to confront the heads of welfare for the County.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On June 29, members of the Welfare Rights Committee (WRC) rallied in front of the Hennepin County Government Center to demand an end to the policy of sanctioning homeless mothers.


By Kim DeFranco

_In Minneapolis... _

Minneapolis, MN - More than 100 people rallied to demand affordable housing on the Basilica steps, June 24. Many carried signs reading, “Replace-ment, Before Demolition,” and “Forget the Stadium, Housing Now!” Police were on hand to guard city officials.


By Kim DeFranco

Minneapolis, MN - March 3, the Welfare Rights Committee (WRC) went to Minnesota Governor Ventura's office to release the survey results on the Minnesota Family Investment Plan-Statewide (MFIP-S, MN's welfare program for families). The WRC surveyed over 200 MFIP-S participants, at welfare offices and over the phone. This survey was developed to get at the heart of problems people experience on MFIP.


By mick

Minneapolis, MN – Hennepin County Commissioners got an earful, when more than 100 people packed a September 8 hearing on Minnesota’s new welfare program. Low income people, organized by the Welfare Rights Committee, chanted, held signs, and testified that the Minnesota Family Investment Program – Statewide (MFIP-S) was a “disaster.”


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – More than 150 people join the Welfare Rights Committee for a rally in front of the New Federal Building to protest hunger and homelessness caused by welfare cuts. The rally coincided with the arrival of the New Freedom Bus, which traveled to poor communities across the country, collecting stories of human rights abuses caused by poverty. The Bus finished its journey at United Nations Headquarters, where human rights charges were lodged against the U.S. government.