Fight Back! News

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Survey Proves: MFIP-S is a Disaster

By Kim DeFranco

Minneapolis, MN - March 3, the Welfare Rights Committee (WRC) went to Minnesota Governor Ventura's office to release the survey results on the Minnesota Family Investment Plan-Statewide (MFIP-S, MN's welfare program for families). The WRC surveyed over 200 MFIP-S participants, at welfare offices and over the phone. This survey was developed to get at the heart of problems people experience on MFIP.

The MFIP-S program has been in effect since January 1, 1998. Low-income people have been telling the Department of Human Services (DHS) and politicians that MFIP-S is a disaster.

No Exit From Poverty

The survey found that recipients are systematically denied their right to an education. Over two-thirds of people surveyed were not told about the option to go to school. People working on degrees as social workers, nurses and paralegals, were forced to quit school and take the first job that came along. All this, despite the fact that the law allows for two years of education.

People are intimated into taking the first job that comes along, no matter what it is or how much it pays. “We all have to start somewhere, even if it is McDonald's,” said Senator Don Samuelson. Two-thirds of MFIP-S recipients have gotten low-wage, dead-end jobs while on the program. These include laundry aids, janitorial staff, dishwashers, house cleaners, and fast food workers, with wages ranging from $4.10 to $8.50 per hour, to support families with 2 to 11 people.

According to the DHS, these jobs should support recipients without any public assistance. It wasn't surprising to the WRC that 95% of the people who had these jobs stated that they couldn't support families on this little income.

The survey showed that 90% of those who had jobs, had grants cut before they had a chance to get on their feet. According to the law, MFIP-S recipients can receive assistance until they reach 120% of the poverty level; most people were cut off right after they found a job. Many people said they are doing worse now than on the former program, AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children).

Sanctions Applied Unfairly

The survey showed that over half of the 200 surveyed were cut off, and many more were “sanctioned” by having their grants cut by 10% to 30%. To be exempted from the work program, people had to fit certain criteria. Many who did were forced to continue their job hunt.

One woman was sanctioned for 7 months because she had to take care of her newborn. In her child's 7th month of life, her worker stated, “Yes, you should have been exempted because of your child being under one year.” The caseworker knew this all along, but was only challenged after this woman was interviewed for the survey by WRC. The WRC told her about the exemption, the woman's caseworker never did. As a result the woman and her family are homeless.

People who are ill or taking care of sick family members end up being sanctioned, even though doctors tell them they must stay home.

2 out of 3 people are being threatened or intimidated with sanctions if they don't follow every word their job counselor says. The counselors have too much power and control over people, instead of the people taking charge of their own lives.

The WRC concluded and the survey shows that MFIP-S is a disaster to all who are participating in the program. These survey results make it impossible for politicians and the DHS to stand behind their false success stories and bogus lies.

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