Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Brad Sigal

Mario Cololly, hunger striker for justice in retail cleaning

Minneapolis, MN – On May 21, four retail cleaning workers and four of their supporters started a hunger strike to demand justice. The goal of the hunger strike is to get Cub Foods management to start negotiating with their retail cleaning workers for better wages and working conditions. The hunger strike was kicked off with a large rally at noon. Later in the afternoon, a large group of Danzantes joined the protest and performed.


By Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee

Carlos Montes en conferencia de prensa despues de la redada en su casa

Lucha y Resiste esta circulando el siguiente comunicado del Comite por los derechos de inmigrantes en Minnesota (MIRAc) denunciando la redada en la casa de Carlos Montes. Pedimos que otras organizaciones tambien manden mensajes de apoyo al

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By Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee

Carlos Montes at rally defending him after raid on his home

Fight Back News is circulating the following statement from the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAc) on the brutal raid conducted at the home of Carlos Montes. We urge other organizations to send messages of support to


By staff

Mick Kelly, Jess Sundin, and Bruce Nestor at May 18 press conference

Minneapolis, MN – People crowded into the Anti-War Committee office May 18 when the Committee to Stop FBI Repression (CSFR) revealed a [cache of FBI papers]( left behind after a raid on an apartment in September 2010. The documents include interrogation questions for agents to use on activists and details of the weaponry used for the Sept. 24, 2010 raid. Since that day, 23 people – all involved in peace and international solidarity movements – were subpoenaed to a grand jury in Chicago. All have refused to testify.


By staff

Anh Pham and Sarah Martin of the Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression

Minneapolis, MN – Trade unionists, students, community and anti-war activists filled the hall at Walker Church, April 29, to celebrate International Workers Day. The event, titled, “Celebrate May Day: Standing Up In the Face of Repression,” was organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization.


By mick

Puppet of FBI agent at May Day Minneapolis May Day parade

Minneapolis, MN – Members and supporters of the Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression participated in the Heart of the Beast Annual Mayday Parade and festival, receiving an enthusiastic response. Committee members carried a giant puppet of an FBI agent and dressed as witches, symbolizing the FBI and grand jury witch hunt that is being waged against anti-war and international solidarity activists. The parade is a longstanding community event.


By staff

Protest against bombing of Libya.

St. Paul, MN – Peace groups here organized a special demonstration at the weekly Wednesday vigil at the Lake Street-Marshall Avenue Bridge, April 27, to oppose the ongoing and escalating U.S. and NATO intervention into Libya. “We are not there for humanitarian reasons but for control of Libya's oil and its strategic location in North Africa and the Middle East which has been rocked with popular uprisings,” said organizers of the bridge vigil.


By staff

Grace Kelly of Students for a Democratic Society speaking at protest in front of

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 people picketed and carried banners outside the FBI building here, April 19, to show support for activists still facing repression from the FBI. Since September 24, 2010, when the FBI raided people’s homes and the office of the Anti-War Committee, there has been continued FBI harassment of the peace movement. Anti-war and international solidarity activists face the threat of renewed calls to the grand jury or indictment for ‘material support for terrorism.’


By Brad Sigal

Minneapolis, MN – On April 7, four Latino and immigrant leaders spoke against political repression on a panel at the University of Minnesota. They spoke out in solidarity with the 23 anti-war activists facing FBI and grand jury repression and told their stories of solidarity in the face of repression.


By staff

Anh Pham at protest against U.S. intervention in Libya.

Minneapolis, MN – On one of the first warm spring afternoons here, over 50 people joined an anti-war protest on April 2 to demonstrate against the U.S. war on Libya.