Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

_The war in Afghanistan continues, anti-war movement continues to demand ‘U.S. Out Now’ _

Minneapolis, MN – Thirty U.S. troops were killed when Taliban forces shot down their helicopter over Afghanistan Aug. 6. The helicopter crash was the most deadly single incident for the U.S. military forces in Afghanistan since the war began nearly ten years ago in 2001.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On July 21, ultra-right wing presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann’s husband’s clinic was overrun by costumed ‘gay barbarians,’ who grunted, threw glitter inside the clinic lobby and chanted, “You can’t pray away the gay – baby, I was born this way!”


By mick

Minneapolis, MN – The framework agreement reached by Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton and Republican politicians is a victory for big corporations and Minnesota’s wealthy. For the rest of us, it is a setback. It is the opposite of what a progressive solution to the state budget crisis should be. The Republican shutdown of state government appears to be ending with a Republican solution to the budget short fall – the burden of the crisis will be shifted onto the backs poor and working people. Again.


By staff

Cynthia McKinney and Meredith Aby of the Twin Cities Anti War Committee

Minneapolis, MN – Cynthia McKinney, former six-term member of the House of Representatives, and Sara Flounders, co-director of the International Action Center, spoke to a packed room of over 60 supporters, July 9, at the Plymouth Congregational Church. Both gave motivating speeches for how the U.S./NATO intervention in Libya is endangering and killing the civilian population and demanded an immediate end to the war on Libya.


By Anti-War Committee

Last May we joined our voices with people from around the world in outrage after Israeli commandos killed 9 activists on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla. We demanded an end to the U.S. aid to Israel because we know that Israel’s deadly attack on the Flotilla and its illegal blockade of Gaza would not be possible without the military and diplomatic support of the United States. Israel carried out a horrendous military assault on this aid convoy carrying wheelchairs, cement, water purification systems, children’s toys and notebook paper to Gaza because they politicized humanitarian aid.


By staff

“We’ve got to stay strong and be ready for whatever the government throws at us next.”

Photo of Jess Sundin speaking in Minneapolis.

Fight Back! interviewed Jess Sundin, of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, on the latest developments in the case of the anti-war and international solidarity activists who were raided by the FBI and who received subpoenas to appear in front of the Chicago grand jury headed by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. Sundin is among those whose home was raided Sept. 24, 2010. The editors of Fight Back! urge our readers to forward this important interview as broadly as possible.


By staff

Photo of Jess Sundin of the CSFR at Pride.

Minneapolis, MN – The Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression (CSFR) had a big presence at the annual Minneapolis LGBTQ Pride parade this year. A lively CSFR contingent participated in the annual parade down Hennepin Avenue to Loring Park on June 25. Thousands of flyers about FBI and grand jury repression against anti-war activists were handed out to the crowds at the CSFR information booth all day Saturday and Sunday and over 250 new people signed the pledge to resist if any activists are indicted or jailed in the ongoing witch hunt.


By staff

Preparing signs for anti war march

Minneapolis, MN – Responding to President Obama’s June 22 national televised speech on Afghanistan, Meredith Aby of the Twin Cites based Anti War Committee stated, “The U.S. needs to get out of Afghanistan now.” Aby was one of the main organizers of the massive anti-war march on the opening day of the 2008 Republican National Convention and she is one of the 23 peace and international solidarity activists who have been subpoenaed to appear in front of the Chicago grand jury investigating ‘material support for terrorism.’ The grand jury, headed by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, is attempting to criminalize anti-war activism.


By staff

Professor Manuel Barrera speaking at June 16 protest

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 protesters gathered in front of the FBI offices here, June 16, to demand that the charges be dropped against veteran Los Angles Chicano activist Carlos Montes. Protest organizers blasted the growing attacks by the FBI and other police agencies on anti-war, international solidarity and progressive political activists.


By staff

_Anti-war, international solidarity activists interrupt his speech in Minneapolis _

Protesters at Eric Holder visit to Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder got a cold reception in Minneapolis May 27, where the Committee to Stop FBI Repression dogged him all day about FBI and grand jury attacks on anti-war and international solidarity activists. 100 people gathered outside his event at the University of Minnesota. The shouts of protesters outside could be heard inside, “Hey Holder, hear our fury! Stop the FBI, end the grand jury!”