Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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In a New Year address, Korean leader Kim Jong Un talked about the need to develop the industries and agriculture of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and stated, “Let us launch a revolutionary general offensive to achieve fresh victory on all fronts of building a powerful socialist country!”


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No U.S. war on north Korea

Minneapolis, MN – In response to the growing danger of a new U.S. war in Korea and the endless series of U.S. wars, a coalition of Twin Cities-area peace groups have issued an appeal urging people to send an anti-war message for the holidays by being part of a visible anti-war action.


By staff

Washington, D.C. – According to a Dec. 14 report from the Korea Central News Agency, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) denounced talk from the figures in the Trump administration on implementing a sea blockade directed at north Korea.


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Anti-war protesters oppose war on Korea  at Trump resort in Miami.

Doral, FL- On Nov. 11, fifteen protesters gathered outside of Trump National Golf Resort in Doral to demand no military action against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (north Korea). Activists called on Trump to end his warmongering, close the bases, remove U.S troops from along the Korean border, and stop all U.S military exercises taking place in and around the Korean peninsula.


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Minneapolis protest against U.S. war on DPRK.

Minneapolis, MN – Over 50 people braved sub-freezing temperatures to join a Minneapolis protest on, Nov. 9 to speak out against a U.S. war on north Korea.


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A Nov. 7 article published by the Democratic People Republics of Korea’s (DPRK) Worker’s Newspaper warned in a commentary that, “The U.S. accustomed to aggression is now stepping up military pressure on the DPRK under the pretext of ‘nuclear threats from the north.’”


By staff

Anti-war message will be delivered to Minneapolis office of U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar

Minneapolis, MN – Planned to coincide with a call for nationally coordinated local actions, Nov. 6 – 11, against the growing danger of a U.S. war on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Twin Cities area peace groups will hold an anti-war protest in front of the Minneapolis office of U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar.


By Kent Mori

Sharon Chung

Minnesota says no war threats on Korea


By staff

Dallas protest demands U.S. hands of Korea.

Dallas, TX – About 20 protesters gathered at the Grassy Knoll near downtown Dallas. Oct. 14, holding signs and chanting to demand peace with Korea. The action was organized by the Dallas Community Action Committee (DCAC), a new organization in the city. It was also endorsed by the Dallas Peace and Justice Center, North Texas Veterans for Peace, Code Pink, and the North Texas Light Brigade. Several socialist groups also attended.


By staff

Minneapolis anti war march.

Minneapolis, MN — The afternoon of Saturday, Oct. 7 saw over 100 people join a protest to mark 16 years of the U.S. war in Afghanistan. The protest was organized under the call of Stop Endless U.S. Wars.