Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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According to a January 14 report from the Korean Central News Agency, the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) said that that north Korea would continue to take measures to defend itself against the U.S. and other hostile powers.


By staff

Washington, DC – According to a March 20 report from the Korean Central News Agency, the government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has formed the Central Emergency Anti-Epidemic Headquarters to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The headquarters is also tasked with summing up experience and popularizing achievements in the fight against the illness.


By staff

Washington DC – The Democratic People's Republic of Korea tested a new rocket launching system on November 29.


By staff

Korean students demand U.S.troops out

On October 18 a group of Korean students entered the U.S. ambassador’s residential compound in Seoul, Korea to protest the continuing presence of U.S. troops in their country. 20 people, who belong to a coalition of progressive students, scaled the wall of the diplomatic compound and began a demonstration against the U.S. occupation of their county. The students chanted “We don’t need U.S. troops,” and “Get out!” before being escorted out by police. 19 of the students were detained and questioned by south Korean police.


By staff

Washington, DC – Responding to news reports that U.S. special units in Japan staged a drill aimed at “the infiltration into Pyongyang,” Rodong Sinmun ,the leading newspaper of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), stated in an August 26 commentary, “Such acts prove that the U.S. is hatching a criminal plot to unleash a war against the DPRK and commit a crime which deserves merciless divine punishment in case the U.S. fails in the scenario of the DPRK's unjust and brigandish ‘denuclearization first.’”


By staff

Washington DC – A June 16 article in Rodong Sinmun, the leading daily newspaper in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) stated, “capitalism is a gloomy society as it has no future.”


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Chairman Kim Jong Un with Donald Trump.

The people of Korea and the peace-loving peoples of the world are celebrating the four-point peace pledge between President Trump of the U.S. and the Chairman Kim Jong Un of the socialist Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK). It is a big victory for the people of Korea, who want an official end to the U.S. war in Korea, denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, and the return home of U.S. troops. Koreans hope for the unity of their historic homeland, much like the Irish and Palestinian peoples do.


By staff

In a New Year address, Korean leader Kim Jong Un talked about the need to develop the industries and agriculture of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and stated, “Let us launch a revolutionary general offensive to achieve fresh victory on all fronts of building a powerful socialist country!”


By staff

No U.S. war on north Korea

Minneapolis, MN – In response to the growing danger of a new U.S. war in Korea and the endless series of U.S. wars, a coalition of Twin Cities-area peace groups have issued an appeal urging people to send an anti-war message for the holidays by being part of a visible anti-war action.


By staff

Washington, D.C. – According to a Dec. 14 report from the Korea Central News Agency, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) denounced talk from the figures in the Trump administration on implementing a sea blockade directed at north Korea.