Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Fight Back! Editors

George Bush is throwing sand in our eyes. Folks in other countries have created organizations and political parties to fight for a decent way of life. Bush has put those groups on the State Department's 'terrorist list.' He is calling that the good 'the evil.' He is trying to exploit Americans' fears about attacks on civilians to justify sending guns and money to some of the world's most repressive regimes.


By la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

¡Alto a las guerras dentro y fuera de los Estados Unidos!

George Bush tiene que ser removido de la Casa Blanca. Él miente, roba, y hace trampa. En Irak y Afganistán, Bush mata.

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Stop the War at Home and Abroad!

George Bush needs to be removed from office. He lies, he cheats and he steals. In Iraq and Afghanistan, Bush kills.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following greeting from Freedom Road Socialist Organization to demonstrators at the Republican National Convention.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – March 27, more than 60 protest continued sanctions and bombing attacks on Iraq. Since the crisis in December, the US has bombed over 60 times, and sanctions have killed tens of thousands of civilians. For about an hour, protesters handed out leaflets and carried signs and banners at this Uptown picket line. Ending with a short rally, speakers denounced the almost daily bombing of Iraq, and the ever-growing death toll caused by US/UN sanctions. They also called on the anti-war movement to mobilize to stop the war on Yugoslavia.

#MinneapolisMN #News #Iraq #IraqSanctions #BombingOfYugoslavia #MiddleEast

By staff

- The Iraq Peace Action Coalition (IPAC) has plans for a public protest of U.S. policy in Iraq. The protest will mark the 9-year anniversary of the imposition of economic sanctions against Iraq.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN - The Iraq Peace Action Coalition (IPAC) has announced a picket line and bannering to show opposition to U.S. policy towards Iraq. The protest will be held on February 11, at 4:30 p.m., at the Federal Courts Building in downtown Minneapolis.


By Alan Dale

The U.S. government is preparing for a new war against Iraq.


By Meredith Aby

Opposition to Bush’s war plans is growing. Momentum has continued to build since Oct. 26, when 200,000 people demonstrated in Washington D.C. against the war threats on Iraq. Up to mid-October, there were at least 400 major demonstrations. Since then, the anti-war movement has been expanding and actions are taking place on a daily basis.


By Anh Pham

Trish Kanous

Minneapolis, MN - In May, Trish Kanous, of the Minneapolis-St. Paul based Anti-War Committee, joined other passengers and got on an Iraqi airplane. For most of us, flying is no act of courage. This was different. The United States and British governments have decided that vast areas of Iraqi airspace, about half the country, are 'no fly zones,' where it's open season on Iraqi airplanes. The jetliner flew through the zone and landed safely.