Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Los Angeles, CA –More than 30 people gathered at the Salesian Family and Youth Center, located inthe Boyle Heights neighborhood in the heart of East Los Angeles, Aug. 23, to discuss the battle for the Legalization for All campaign and to help build for the 44-year anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium.


By staff

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Tampa, FL – On July 31, two dozen protesters gathered outside the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office in Ybor City, demanding President Obama extend protection to incoming refugee children from Central America. The protesters stood in front of the office doors, brandishing signs and chanting, “Liberation! Not deportation!” The ICE office directs the detentions of undocumented immigrants in the Tampa Bay area.


By staff

Left to right: Nativo Lopez, Hermandad Mexicana; Bennett Kayser, LAUSD  board me

Los Angeles, CA – On April 8, the Los Angeles Unified School District Board (LAUSD) passed a unanimous resolution calling on President Obama to use federal administrative action to suspend any further deportations. The resolution, introduced by LAUSD board member Bennett Kayser, is part of the growing Protect Our Families Campaign that has already gotten several resolutions passed by the city councils in Los Angeles, Carson, Santa Ana and Cudahy. Similar resolutions have also been approved by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, the City Council of Berkeley and in Chicago, Illinois.


By Marisol Márquez

Tampa fights for driver's licenses for all.

Tampa, FL – The U.S. prides itself in having a day to ‘give thanks.’ They call this, ‘Thanksgiving’ and it's supposed to be a time when the family unites and shares a home-cooked meal. This tradition, however, is not always shared by immigrant communities.


By Brad Sigal

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Minneapolis, MN – With chants of “Si se puede!” (yes we can!) and “Obama, escucha, estamos en la lucha!” (Obama, listen, we’re in the struggle!), 3000 people marched through Minneapolis for immigrant rights on Oct. 5, a national day of action for immigrant dignity and respect. This was the largest march for immigrant rights in Minneapolis in several years. The protest began at Basilica of St. Mary Church then marched through downtown Minneapolis to Hennepin County Government Plaza (also known as People’s Plaza).


By Cassia Laham

Miami rally for immigrant rights.

Miami, FL – Over 2000 people marched here, April 6, demanding legalization for undocumented workers and calling for an end to the deportations of immigrants. Young and old, undocumented and documented, workers and students came together in order to push local and national policy makers, including President Obama, into immediate action.


By Masao Suzuki

FL protesters demand 'legalization for all'.

San José, CA – On Jan. 29, one day after a group of eight U.S. Senators announced their bipartisan proposal for immigration reform, President Obama made his own proposal. While the President’s proposal was better than the bipartisan Senate proposal in several areas, in particular calling for recognition of same-sex partners of U.S. citizens or legal residents who are seeking legal residency; overall it offered the same approach of harsh treatment of the undocumented and a pro-business approach.


By staff

Tampa, FL – Immigrant rights organizations will join the massive August 27 march organized by the Coalition to March on the RNC. On August 27, Students Working for Equal Rights and the Student Farmworker Alliance will be joined by other immigrant rights groups to say, no to the bigotry of the Republican agenda and the parties of the 1%. The protest also has the backing of Proyecto Dignidad (Gainesville) and the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Acton Committee.


By staff

May Day march in Milwaukee, WI

Milwaukee, WI – Over 10,000 marched here, April 29, to celebrate International Workers Day.