Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Joe Iosbaker

Panel of jurors \[left to right\], Julen Arzuraga Gumuzio, Severine De Laveleye, Lennox Hinds and Suzanne Adely.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Brussels, Belgium – A packed house of several hundred people witnessed a dramatic legal proceeding this past weekend. May 18 and 19. An International People’s Tribunal was held, initiated by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers and the Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle.

In its conclusion, the tribunal named Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., former President Rodrigo Duterte, U.S. President Joe Biden and the U.S. government all guilty of charges of war crimes and violations of international humanitarian law.


By Communist Party of the Philippines

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines.


By staff

Dallas TX, – On Wednesday, May 11 over 30 protesters, consisting of Filipinos and allies rallied at Main Street Garden Park in downtown Dallas to protest the recent victory of Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. (son of U.S.-allied dictator Ferdinand Marcos) and the election of Sara Duterte (daughter of current reactionary president Rodrigo Duterte) in the Philippines presidential elections.


By Joe Iosbaker

One to the banners police placed by hotel were Joe Iosbaker was staying, accusin

Chicago, IL – I just returned from eight days in Luzon, the largest island in the Philippines, where the capital, Manila, is located. For many years, the movement for national democracy in the Philippines has asked for international solidarity, including human rights defenders to aid them in their struggle for economic and political rights. The presence of people from other countries can help diminish the violence of the Philippine military and national police against the movement. In addition, as national elections approach on May 9 there has been a rise in human rights abuses, and so the need for international solidarity is more pressing.


By Communist Party of the Philippines

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Jan. 3 statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following July 30 statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines.


By Joe Iosbaker

Janessa, a leader in the patriotic organization, Anakbayan (Filipino for ‘youth

Chicago, IL – About 100 people rallied in front of the Philippines Consulate to say, “Enough is enough!” to demand an end to the war against the Filipino people by the government of the Philippines. President Duterte has especially targeted the indigenous Lumad people of the island of Mindanao. In a recent atrocity, the Armed Forces of the Philippines tortured and killed three Lumad youth, including a 12-year-old.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating this July 21 statement from the National Council of


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating this July 21 statement from the National Council of


By staff

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The militant labor center Kilusang Mayo Uno (May First Workers Movement) condemned the harassment, threats and intimidation towards known labor leaders in Cebu, January 18.