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Chicago protests Philippines President Duterte

By Joe Iosbaker

Janessa, a leader in the patriotic organization, Anakbayan (Filipino for ‘youth Janessa, a leader in the patriotic organization, Anakbayan (Filipino for ‘youth Janessa, a leader in the patriotic organization, Anakbayan \(Filipino for ‘youth of the nation’) \(Joe Iosbaker\)

Chicago, IL – About 100 people rallied in front of the Philippines Consulate to say, “Enough is enough!” to demand an end to the war against the Filipino people by the government of the Philippines. President Duterte has especially targeted the indigenous Lumad people of the island of Mindanao. In a recent atrocity, the Armed Forces of the Philippines tortured and killed three Lumad youth, including a 12-year-old.

Speakers included Don Villar, a leader in the Communication Workers of American and today the secretary-treasurer of the Chicago Federation of Labor. Villar is the child of Filipino immigrants and recalled marching in front of the consulate 35 years ago against the dictatorship of the Philippines then-President Ferdinand Marcos.

#ChicagoIL #Philippines #Asia #PeoplesStruggles #Duterte

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