Minneapolis, MN – Members of AFSCME 3800, AFSCME 3937 and Teamsters 320 will rally Sept. 29, noon until 1:00 p.m., at Morrill Hall to demand raises and respect from the University of Minnesota administration. Sept. 29 is the day that university clerical workers return to bargaining.
Minneapolis, MN – Upwards of 250 members of Teamster Local 320 and their supporters joined a spirited informational picket line, August 31 to “Turn up the heat” on the U of M administration, pushing their demands for a real raise and respect. The six-hour long picket took place on the Super Block, a huge complex of student dormitories. It coincided with move-in day.
Chicago, IL -They started filing into work between 7:00 and 8:30 in the morning. After years of schooling they landed a job with the Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS). The job can be mentally draining. Conditions are bad. Today the temperature is supposed approach 90 degrees. The air conditioning hasn’t worked for more than two years. Bed bugs have again been reported as being in the building. The bathrooms are unsanitary and the drinking water has both color and odor.
Chicago, IL – Empezaron a llegar al trabajo entre las 7:00 y las 8:30 de la mañana. Después de estudiar por años, lograron conseguir un trabajo con el Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Illinois (DHS). El trabajo da cansancio mental. Las condiciones son malas. Hoy la temperatura podría alcanzar los 90 grados. El aire acondicionado no ha funcionado por más de dos años. Una vez más hay reportes de chinches en el edificio. Los baños son asquerosos y el agua del chorro tiene mal color y olor.
Minneapolis, MN – Minnesotans will be celebrating International Workers’ Day early this year. Labor and community leaders will speak out at an event organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), Sunday, April 26, 2:30 p.m., at 4200 Cedar Ave S, Minneapolis.
Chicago, IL – 4000 delegates from throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico gathered here, July 14 -18, for the International Convention of AFSCME, the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees. Under the banner, “Bold, Brave, and Determined,” delegates discussed the impact of recent attacks on public sector unions and strategies for strengthening the labor movement.
Grand Rapids, MI – Giving new meaning to ‘soldiers of solidarity,’ U.S. veterans joined fired health care workers to rally in front of the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans on the afternoon of July 1. The action, involving nearly 100 people, exposed Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s privatization schemes, in this case leading to neglect and abuse of veterans. Longtime resident care aides employed by the state of Michigan were fired, and their jobs privatized by the non-union J2S Group, a for-profit company that refuses to speak on the matter.
Rockford, IL – Laverne Huggins, Mary Sargent and L’seandra Anderson of AFSCME Local 473 lead an informational picket of close to 200 workers at the Zeke Georgi State Office Building in Rockford, Illinois. Workers are protesting Illinois Governor Pat Quinn’s announcement that he would not honor the collective bargaining agreement negotiated with state workers.
Madison, WI – Thousands are still protesting at the Capitol here, March 1. Amidst tight security, including erecting concrete barriers outside the Capitol and denying the public entry into the building, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker delivered his budget address this afternoon.
San Bruno, CA – Hundreds of Skyline College students left class and gathered on the campus quad for their Day of Action protest against budget cuts, on March 4. The action was organized by Skyline Against Cuts, which grew out of the students’ struggle against budget cuts last fall. After a short song, Skyline Against Cuts leader Michelle Araica led off the march. As student marshals held open doors, led chants and stopped traffic, nearly 500 students and a dozen or more faculty and staff supporters marched through almost all the buildings on campus, chanting “Hey hey! Ho ho! Budget cuts have got to go!”
Los Angeles, CA – The fight for public education at UCLA began early this morning, March 4. By sunrise the campus had transformed. A walkout and rally is planned for 11:30 a.m. this morning where students, workers and faculty will join together at Bruin Plaza to denounce the budget cuts. Picket lines led by the unions, AFSCME, UPTE and UWA have sprung up all over and their chants can be heard all from almost everywhere on campus, “Whose university? Our university!” The administration will not be allowed to lay off workers and raise tuition without a fight! Things are expected to heat up as the day goes on, with teach-ins and marches and sit-ins.
Los Angeles, CA – Students from all over the state of California gathered at the University of California regents meeting on UCLA campus Nov.19. They were there to protest proposed fee hikes.
Minneapolis, MN – “After our strike two years ago, we were ready to sit down and negotiate a good contract this year. But U of M management started off by undermining our negotiating committee and attacking me as local president because we have stood up for our members and for justice,” said Phyllis Walker, president of AFSCME Local 3800 and co-chair of the Clerical and Health Care workers’ negotiating committee.