So, it happened. The racist, reactionary fool Donald Trump is returning to the White House, and Republicans will dominate Congress. The polarization of American political life is sharpening and deepening. Revolutionaries and progressives have some heavy lifting ahead of us.
There is going to be plenty of time to analyze what happened in the election, but on the morning after, some things are clear. The leadership and wealthy backers of the Democratic Party have only themselves to blame for the outcome. The Harris/Walz campaign was tone-deaf to the needs and aspirations of working people. In fact, the two words that they seemed unable to work into any of their speeches were “working class.” Instead, they offered a sad mixture of genocide in Palestine, combined with an appeal to college-educated, “never Trump” Republicans. And they failed.
Milwaukee, WI – Former President Trump returned to Milwaukee this past Friday, November 1, to speak at a rally at the Fiserv Forum, the same venue where he accepted the Republican presidential nomination during the Republican National Convention (RNC).
La OSCL urge a nuestros miembros y simpatizantes a que salgan a las calles y organicen las protestas más amplias posibles el día después de las elecciones del 5 de noviembre. Sin importar el resultado, debemos seguir apoyando a Palestina y oponernos a la guerra cada vez más amplia de los Estados Unidos/Israel en el Medio Oriente. Y debemos avanzar una agenda progresista que defienda los derechos de los inmigrantes, los trabajadores, las personas LGBTQ, las mujeres y los derechos reproductivos.
FRSO urges our members and supporters to take to the streets and organize the broadest possible protests the day after the November 5 elections. No matter what the outcome, we must continue to stand with Palestine and oppose the ever-widening U.S./Israel war in the Middle East. And we must advance a progressive agenda that defends the rights of immigrants, workers, LGBTQ people, women’s and reproductive rights.
Las próximas elecciones presidenciales son un referéndum sobre el genocidio patrocinado por los Estados Unidos en Palestina y la guerra más amplia que los Estados Unidos e Israel están librando en el Medio Oriente. La administración Biden/Harris está coordinando el ataque a Irán, y los Estados Unidos ha enviado tropas y misiles a Israel. Hay un mínimo de 44.000 muertos en Gaza, e Israel está lanzando bombas de 2.000 libras sobre las ciudades del Líbano. Aunque debería ser obvio que un reaccionario racista como Trump no merece un voto, Kamala Harris tampoco lo merece.
Grand Rapids, MI – En una poderosa muestra de solidaridad, los manifestantes pro-Palestina se reunieron en las dos ciudades más grandes del oeste de Michigan la semana pasada para condenar el apoyo de la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris al genocidio estadounidense/israelí.