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May Day 2024 celebrated in Dallas

By staff

International Workers Day marked in Dallas, Texas.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Dallas, TX – About 70 people came together in Lake Cliff Park, April 28, for the annual May Day celebration. Rank-and-file members of several unions participated in the event.

Rick Majumdar, a member of Teamsters Local 767, said, “People treat the union like it's a charity, that is not true – the union is a vehicle to fight the company, to fight for our rights as workers. It's not a feeble, lifeless thing, it's collective power that can do the impossible. We have to realize that our struggle on the shop floor is connected to a greater movement, because our bosses are the same folks who get the police to break pickets, they are same ones who want Cop City built in Dallas, they are the same ones who get politicians to pass bills like SB 4, they also get schools to harass student protesters when it hurts their pockets.”

Participating groups included the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Communist Party of USA, Young Active Labor Leaders, La Frontera Nos Cruzo, the Dallas Anti-War Committee and others.

Participant Seila Heap remarked, “May Day in Dallas has never been this big in all the years I've lived here, congratulations to the organizers for putting on such a great event.”

#DallasTX #TX #Labor #ImmigrantRights #MayDay #FRSO #CPUSA #YALL #LaFrontera #LaFronteraNosCruzo #DAWC #Teamsters