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News and Views from the People's Struggle

FRSO greets Workers World Party meeting

By staff

Newark, NJ – Speaking to a national meeting of the Workers World Party here, May 11, Mick Kelly of the Standing Committee of Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) stated, “We convey our warmest greetings to your First Secretary Larry Holmes, your national leadership, and all of you assembled for this extremely important meeting. We place a high value on our relationship with Workers World Party. The unity we have is precious, and we intend to build on this in the future.”

FRSO and Workers World Party (WWP) have a long history of cooperating on national campaigns and demonstrations, including those at those at the Republican and Democratic conventions. Kelly noted the important role that WWP played in beating back the FBI repression directed against FRSO and others, saying, “we will never forget your tireless efforts to defend us.”

Kelly also stated, “The year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of WWP. Your accomplishments are many, and your commitment to proletarian internationalism is something that all revolutionaries can learn from.”

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