Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Newark, NJ – Speaking to a national meeting of the Workers World Party here, May 11, Mick Kelly of the Standing Committee of Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) stated, “We convey our warmest greetings to your First Secretary Larry Holmes, your national leadership, and all of you assembled for this extremely important meeting. We place a high value on our relationship with Workers World Party. The unity we have is precious, and we intend to build on this in the future.”


By David Hungerford

Michele Kamal speaking a Newark rally against police terror

Newark, NJ – Hundreds turned out for an Aug. 20 rally here to demand justice for Michael Brown. The protest was sponsored by the People’s Organization for Progress in Newark, NJ.


By David Hungerford

Newark, NJ – The destruction of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 has generated a huge furor from the U.S. government and the corporate media. It is a convict-by-stampede campaign to blame Russia and the anti-fascist People’s Republics of the Donbas for the disaster.


By David Hungerford

Newark, NJ – The May 13 election of Ras J. Baraka as mayor of Newark is nationwide news, like the 1970 election of Kenneth Gibson. It arouses many expectations.


By David Hungerford

Newark, NJ – Some veteran Newark activists set up shop at noon, May 3, on a busy street corner here. They were there to protest against the U.S.-instigated crisis in Ukraine. The objectives were several. The first was to get something going. A local peace organization had given a fundraising dinner a few days earlier. The Ukraine crisis was mentioned exactly once and only in passing. A union-supported May Day march had raised many issues – school closings, stronger protections for unions, raising the minimum wage, etc. The only mention of the Ukraine crisis was a sign against U.S. military involvement carried by a marcher. Nonetheless many people expressed an urgent interest.


By David Hungerford

Newark demands justice for Trayvon Martin.

Newark, NJ – The People’s Organization for Progress held a march here, Feb. 26, to commemorate the second anniversary of the murder of Trayvon Martin. Martin was murdered in Sanford, Florida. The state of Florida refused to convict his killer, George Zimmerman.


By David Hungerford

Newark Airport workers demand justice.

Newark, NJ – Workers and supporters of SEIU Local 32BJ held a rally at Newark Airport, Feb. 11, to demand pay equity for all airport workers of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. A spirited crowd turned up in Terminal C to present demands. Workers from JFK and LaGuardia airports came to support Newark workers.


By David Hungerford

Oct. 7, 1934 – Jan. 9, 2014

Amiri Baraka

Newark, NJ – He was a poet, playwright and political activist. He was my mentor and guide for almost a quarter of a century.


By David Hungerford

Newark protest demands justice for Trayvon Martin

Newark, NJ – The struggle to get justice for Trayvon Martin continued here, July 20. Over 500 people turned out at the Federal Building to demand a federal civil rights investigation of his murder by George Zimmerman. The rally was called by the National Action Network (NAN.) Speaker after speaker denounced the Zimmerman verdict and contrasted it with the 20-year sentence given Marissa Alexander in the same state of Florida for firing a warning shot in her own defense that harmed no one.


By staff

Newark protest demand justice for Trayvon Martin.

Newark, NJ – Hundreds turned out here, July 14, to protest the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the killing of Trayvon Martin. The march and rally were called by the People’s Organization for Progress. The not guilty verdict was seen by protesters as a declaration of the right to kill any young Black man for nothing more than suspicion.


By Lawrence Hamm

Hands Off Assata image by Justseeds

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from People's Organization For Progress (POP) chair Lawrence Hamm, from a May 10 Newark, New Jersey press conference.


By David Hungerford

People’s Organization for Progress (POP) Hands off Social Security picket line i

Newark, NJ – The People’s Organization for Progress (POP) put a Hands off Social Security picket line in front of the Essex County Social Security building, April 16. Hundreds of drivers blew horns. Passersby stop to talk and show solidarity. Other participating organizations included the International Action Center, One People One Nation, Veterans for Peace and the Coalition to Save Our Homes.


By David Hungerford

Newark, NJ – Another mortgage ‘settlement’ between the government and 14 Wall Street banks is being pulled out of the hat. The little that the ‘settlement’ does for homeowners is on terms set by the banks. A few objections, among others, are:


By David Hungerford

Newark, NJ – Hurricane Sandy struck the New York/New Jersey/Connecticut area with full fury on Oct. 30. The region is the country’s largest and densest concentration of population. Sandy was the worst storm to hit it in recorded history.


By David Hungerford

Newark, NJ – In the face of ineffective, and even harmful, government measures to assist distressed homeowners, an effort has been launched by the People’s Organization for Progress (POP) and the Coalition to Save Our Homes (C2SOH) to demand criminal investigations of bank wrongdoing during the mortgage bubble. At its Oct. 4 meeting the following motion was passed unanimously:


By David Hungerford

Newark protest against home foreclosures.

Newark, NJ – A protest against predatory lending took place here, Sept. 15, at the Broad Street branch of Wells Fargo Bank. It was the joint effort of the People’s Organization for Progress (POP) and the Coalition to Save Our Homes (C2SOH).


By staff

Newark march on MLK Day

Newark, NJ – The People’s Organization for Progress (POP) marched and held a speaking program Jan.15 in observance of the 83rd anniversary of the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. An excellent turnout of 150 people representing many different organizations marched from the Lincoln Monument through the downtown area. The gathering marked the 204th day of POP’s Daily Picket for Jobs, Peace, Equality and Justice.


By David Hungerford

Cynthia McKinney speaking at a meeting of the People’s Organization for Progress

Newark, NJ – Peace activist and former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney visited here July 28, speaking at a meeting of the People’s Organization for Progress. The room was packed as over 200 people turned out to hear her speak about her recent visit to Libya, the latest country to be victimized by NATO aggression.


By David Hungerford

Newark protest against police brutality

Newark, NJ – On May 15, 2009, Basire Farrell, 30, was mercilessly beaten to death on the street at 2:00 a.m. by five Newark cops. He was dead, murdered, at the scene. Nothing has happened since to the killers because they are cops.


By David Hungerford

Protest in Newark, NJ

Newark, NJ – A joint labor-community rally held here April 26 marked a significant step in unity. The Newark Anti-Violence Coalition, the People's Organization for Progress and many of the city's veteran activists spoke and turned out among the crowd of more than 200. Newark is one of the richest cities in the United States in traditions of people's struggle, and it showed.

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