Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Denver demands 'U.S. Out of Korea!'

By Paul Nelson

Denver protest against the U.S. occupation in Korea.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Denver, CO – On Saturday, September 14, 30 people from Denver and Aurora met at James Bible Park in Denver, Colorado to oppose the U,S. occupation of Korea. A striking banner at the rally read “U.S. out of Korea! End the War Economy!”

This action was organized in solidarity with Nodutdol’s “U.S. Out of Korea” campaign. The energy of Nodutdol’s campaign can was felt those who gathered for the rally. Opposing the rising tensions of war from the continued sanctions on North Korea and U.S. war games is a priority for anti-imperialist groups.

Solveig Swain, a member of Denver Anti-War Action (DAWA), said, “The U.S. is ramping up the war games and the threats of invasion into North Korea in an attempt to stoke the flames of war.”

Raika Sailing, a member of DAWA and one of the organizers of the action, spoke to the broader agenda the U.S. has in the region. Speaking on the topic of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) systems deployed in Korea, Sailing said, “[They] threaten China and instigating further conflict in the East. The U.S. uses stolen Korean land to further their violent campaign across Asia. This has to stop.”

After a series of speeches and chants, the rally ended with an encouragement for those present to think seriously about how they could make this demand a reality, and how they can contribute themselves and their organizations to the call to get U.S. out of Korea and to the fight against US imperialism.

Near the end of the action, speakers connected the struggle in Korea to the brave people of Palestine fighting back against the U.S.-funded genocide being carried out by the Israeli occupation, chanting “Free, free Palestine!” and “From Korea to Palestine, occupation is a crime!”

The organizations present included Denver Anti-War Action (DAWA), Students for a Democratic Society, and Denver-Aurora Community Action Committee, among others. The action drew people from far and wide, with groups coming from Boulder, Colorado Springs, and Wyoming, including some of the Veterans for Peace, Students for Justice in Palestine UCCS, and the Colorado Springs People’s Coalition.

#DenverCO #CO #AntiWarMovement #International #Korea #Nodutdol #DAWA #SDS