Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Richard Blake

Fred Zuckerman

Jacksonville, FL – On Nov. 18, Teamsters in the U.S. and Canada awoke to find that Jim Hoffa had won re-election as president of the International Brotherhood of the Teamsters after 17 years in office. Instead of the overwhelming electoral victory that Hoffa usually experiences, the Teamsters old guard lost in the Southern Region, the Central Region, the U.S. as a whole, and only barely squeaked by in the International vote.


By staff

On Nov. 15, rank-and-file Teamsters in the southern U.S. delivered a huge blow to Jim Hoffa Jr., the current general president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. The Teamsters United slate, which is challenging Hoffa's 17-year rule of the union, won the Southern Region by a vote of 10,789 to 8227. John Palmer and Kimberley Schultz, candidates with Teamsters United, will become the new vice presidents of the Southern Region.


By Daniel Ginsberg

Chicago, IL – Workers fighting back against economic inequality have something to be hopeful about. One of the largest and most powerful unions in the country, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, will begin mailing ballots early October for members to decide the next general president. Those fighting against concessions to employers and looking for a stronger worker movement are uniting behind Fred Zuckerman and the Teamsters United slate, hoping to unseat long-standing General President James P. Hoffa, Jr.


By Daniel Ginsberg

Chicago, IL – Los trabajadores que luchan contra la desigualdad económica pueden tener esperanza. Uno de los sindicatos más grandes y más poderosos del país, los Teamsters, comenzarán a enviar por correo las papeletas a principios de octubre a sus miembros para que voten por el próximo presidente del sindicato. Los que luchan contra las concesiones de los empresarios y que quieren un movimiento obrero más fuerte están uniéndose junto a Fred Zuckerman y la lista de los Teamsters Unidos, con la esperanza de desbancar al actual presidente del sindicato James P. Hoffa, Jr.

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By Fern

Jacksonville, FL – About a dozen rank-and-file Teamsters gathered at a local bar in downtown Jacksonville to watch the debate for the upcoming International Brotherhood of Teamsters election. This October's union election will be one of the year's most important events for organized labor.


By Jared Hamil

Los Angeles, CA – As summer heat rolls in, warehouse workers at UPS are fighting to stay cool. 2016 is on track to be the warmest year ever recorded. This year has seen new high record temperatures in parts of Los Angeles County. Other parts of the country are also seeing record high temperatures.


By staff

Las Vegas, NV – The International Brotherhood of Teamsters began the second day of its 29th convention today in Las Vegas. Nominations for Trustees and At Large Vice Presidents occurred immediately. In order to be nominated a candidate must receive the vote of at least 5% of the delegates. This is an important part of the convention because the candidates that are successfully nominated run in an election this fall in which all Teamsters will vote to determine the union’s national leadership.


By staff

International Brotherhood of Teamsters Convention opens this week.

Las Vegas, Nev. – Teamster President James P. Hoffa has decided to spend millions of dollars in union members’ dues money to showcase himself at the International convention which opened June 27 in Las Vegas. Hoffa demands that delegates wear red vests to show loyalty to his presidency as he seeks another five-year term in office.


By staff

Louisville, KY – Fred Zuckerman announced he will challenge Jim Hoffa for President of the International Brotherhood of the Teamsters. Zuckerman is known in the Teamsters for his outspoken opposition to the “give back” contract negotiated with UPS. Current Teamster President Jim Hoffa and his underling Ken Hall are responsible for that “give back” contract.


By staff

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Kohler, WI – Thousands from around the state joined the Kohler picket line this weekend, Nov. 21-22, ending the first week of a strike by 2100 Kohler employees.