Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Members of Teamsters Local 344 rally for decent contract.

Milwaukee, WI – On the overcast morning of June 22, over 50 package car drivers and part-time workers at the Elm Grove hub came to work early for a parking lot rally led by Teamsters Local 344.


By staff

Jacksonville, FL – At the close of business on Thursday, June 21, International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) Package Director Denis Taylor released a statement for Teamsters employed at UPS, claiming that a handshake agreement had been reached with the company. While not all details have been released, some 'highlights' were let out in the form of bullet points.


By Dave Schneider

Coworkers allege retaliation

Jacksonville Teamsters demand UPS reinstate Dustin Ponder.

Jacksonville, FL – As the expiration date for the Teamsters-UPS national master agreement rapidly approaches, UPS management has moved to crack down on union activists fighting for a better contract. On June 8, the company terminated Dustin Ponder, a union steward at UPS in Jacksonville, Florida, elected earlier this year. His activity and involvement in the 2018 contract battle and last month’s strike authorization vote have many Teamsters believing this is a case of management retaliation.


By Elizabeth Kramer

Tampa, FL — On June 5 the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) Package Division announced a big ‘yes’ vote for strike authorization at both UPS and UPS Freight. Teamsters voted ‘yes’ at 93.19% and 91.26% respectively.


By Dave Schneider

Both leaders will run on the Teamsters United reform ticket

Sean O’Brien announcing his candidacy for General President of the IBT.

Jacksonville, FL – Standing in front of more than 100 Teamsters gathered in a Boston, Massachusetts park, May 29, two Teamster leaders announced plans to run together for the leadership of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) in 2021.


By Dave Schneider

Overwhelming ‘Yes’ vote expected as contract negotiations continue

Florida Teamsters leafleting at UPS.

Jacksonville, FL – Two crucial strike authorization votes are underway at UPS and UPS Freight. On May 16, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) began mailing ballot information to all members at UPS and UPS Freight, who will vote either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to give union negotiators the authority to call a strike.


By Dave Schneider

‘YES’ vote for strike authorization strengthens union’s hand at bargaining table

Jacksonville, FL – On May 1, Teamsters Package Division Director and lead negotiator for the UPS contract Denis Taylor announced the international union would begin the process of taking a strike authorization vote. The news breaks amid ongoing contract negotiations between the Teamsters and UPS, as well as UPS Freight, which began earlier this year and are set to continue into June.


By Daniel Ginsberg

Los trabajadores UPS Teamsters organizan a sus companeros de trabajo.

Chicago, IL – Las negociaciones están en progreso entre el sindicato de la Fraternidad Internacional de los Teamsters y la empresa UPS ya que el contrato de cinco años, que cubre a 250,000 trabajadores, se vence el primero de Agosto. La quinta ronda de negociaciones empezó el 19 de Marzo y continuara hasta Abril.

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By Jim Byrne

Striking teachers in Arizona.

Phoenix, AZ – The historic statewide educator walkout entered its third day Monday, April 30. Tens of thousands filled the capitol once again in order to talk with legislators and pressure Governor Ducey to fully fund public schools.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – The Teamsters Local 792 strike against J.J. Taylor Distributing, a beer hauler based in Minneapolis, continued into its ninth day April 17, with about 40 workers picketing all entrances into the company. Workers from several other workplaces and local unions joined Teamsters from J.J. Taylor on the picket line.