Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Jacksonville, FL – A critical vote is underway on the largest private-sector union contract in the United States. Beginning on Sept. 11, hundreds of thousands of Teamsters at UPS and UPS Freight began receiving ballot information in the mail to vote on their respective tentative agreements, regional supplements and local riders.


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![Los Teamsters que trabajan en UPS luchan por trabajos de tiempo completo, un fin]( “Los Teamsters que trabajan en UPS luchan por trabajos de tiempo completo, un fin Los Teamsters que trabajan en UPS luchan por trabajos de tiempo completo, un fin al tiempo extra excecivo y en contra de las concesiónes.

Los Teamsters que trabajan en UPS luchan por trabajos de tiempo completo, un fin al tiempo extra excecivo y en contra de las con”)

Washington, D.C. – Alrededor de 250,000 Teamsters recibirán una boleta a principios de septiembre sobre la ratificación del principal acuerdo UPS nacional de cinco años entre UPS y la International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Los Teamsters de UPS en todo el país se están movilizando para rechazar el acuerdo, firmado por el Comité Nacional de Negociación de UPS de Teamsters, el 21 de junio. Los únicos dos locales de UPS no afectados por el acuerdo son Local 705 y Local 710, que actualmente se encuentran en negociaciones.

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By staff

Across the U.S. Teamsters are getting ready to vote "no" on contract with UPS.

Chicago, IL – Voting instructions will arrive in the mail as soon as Sept. 10, for over 200,000 Teamsters affected by the proposed 5-year National Master UPS Agreement. The only two UPS locals not in the agreement are Local 705 and Local 710, which are currently still in negotiations.


By Fight Back

Tampa, FL – The International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) announced it had come to a tentative agreement with UPS, June 21. The agreement has been criticized for givebacks such as the creation of two-tier driving and poor part time wages. One concession is in Article 6 Section 6, Technology and Discipline. The article currently states:


By staff

Jacksonville, FL – On July 17, Dustin Ponder, the Florida Teamster union steward fired by UPS management for union activity, returned to work. After a month and a half-long campaign waged by Teamster militants and activists to get the steward reinstated, UPS caved to the pressure and offered Ponder his job back.


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Louisville, KY – The Teamsters Local 89 E-Board has unanimously voted to recommend a “no” vote on the UPS National Master Agreement (NMA) and the UPS Central Region Supplement (CRS). Local 89 represents about 10,000 Teamsters at UPS.


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UPS Drivers, of Teamster Local 344, in Oshkosh, WI, hold a parking lot rally

Chicago, IL – Hundreds of thousands of UPS Teamsters received a robocall, July 28, from UPS management announcing a “Town Hall” conference call to sell the tentative five-year agreement by UPS and Teamsters national negotiating committee.


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“The combination driver will create animosity in the work place” —Teamster Central Region International VP Robert Kopystynsky

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Chicago, IL – Teamster Chief Negotiator Dennis Taylor and UPS shook hands on a tentative agreement, June 22, which will include a new driving position called Full-Time Combination Drivers (Combo Driver). Full details were released July 10. UPS Teamsters across the country are calling the new position a two-tiered concession that spells doom for future package car drivers.


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Dustin Ponder, Teamster union steward fired by UPS for union activity

Jacksonville, FL – On July 3, UPS management in Jacksonville deadlocked a local hearing over Dustin Ponder, a shop steward for Teamsters Local 512 who was terminated last month for union activity. Presenting scant evidence against Ponder, the company refused to give the steward his job back despite protests by Teamsters locally and across the country.


By Dave Schneider

Dave Schneider with Jacksonville Teamsters leafleting their building

Jacksonville, FL – On June 21, the Teamsters announced reaching a tentative agreement ‘in principle’ with UPS. Headed by Teamsters Package Division director Denis Taylor, the union’s committee unveiled “highlights from the economics in the agreement” after months of closed-door bargaining.