Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

new leadership slate

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Chicago, IL – This past year was a tough year for Teamsters Local 743. Reformers Richard Berg and Eugenia Alvarez were wrongly removed from office by Teamsters International President James Hoffa. The remaining executive board members, in office for only five months, spent the time fighting amongst themselves. They then ran against one another in the recent union election.


By staff

There is a big battle going on in the Teamsters Union, pitting reformers against corrupt officials. In Chicago, Teamster union reform leaders, President Richard Berg and Secretary Treasurer Gina Alvarez of Local 743 were removed from office by Teamster President Jimmy Hoffa Jr. this past Friday. Hoffa’s action aids corrupt union officials and criminals trying to worm their way back into Chicago’s Teamster unions. Fight Back! interviewed Richard Berg just before he received the official letter from Hoffa Jr.


By Redacción

Chicago, IL – Richard Berg es un sindicalista del ala reformista de los Teamsters. Actualmente, lo están amenazando con la expulsión del sindicato de aseo del Hospital de la Universidad de Chicago (HUC) Local 743. El es miembro desde 1988. Los bandidos que dirigen el sindicato quieren expulsarlo por el crimen de defender a los trabajadores.

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By Redacción

Pancarta: Walson = Theft

Chicago IL – Intentaron robar la elección del local 743 del Sindicato de Camioneros (Teamsters) pero los agarraron con las manos en la masa. Bob Walston, Diane Strickland y los demas oficiales del 743 no pudieron ganar una elecciòn por si solos, de modo que recurrieron a la fraude. La elección fue entre la planilla de base de “Liderato Nuevo” contra los elementos corrutos de la vieja guardia.

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By Redacción

William Jenkins, en CAN-TV

Chicago, IL – William Jenkins, un miembro de la planilla de Liderato Nuevo del local 743, y un profesional de videos con fama nacional, falleció de un ataque cardiaco el 30 de Octubre.

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By J Burger

Hombre con pancarta exige justicia

Chicago IL – Los funcionarios del local 743 del sindicato de Camioneros (Teamsters) en Chicago jamas luchan en contra de los patrones. No organizan huelgas, y dicen a los miembros que una huelga es una cosa mala. El resultado es contratos pobres, aumentos cada vez menores, personas que no son miembros del sindicato haciendo trabajos de los miembros, y la desaparencia de beneficios que en un tiempo eran decentes. Los 14,000 miembros del local 743, que son trabajadores de industria, oficinistas, de bodegas y de cuidado de salud, ya están hartos.

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By staff

Sign says: Walson = Theft

Chicago, IL – They tried to steal the Teamsters Local 743 election and they were caught red handed. Bob Walston, Diane Strickland and the rest of the 743 old guard officers could not win an election on their own, so they resorted to cheating. The election race pitted the rank-and-file New Leadership Slate against the corrupt, mob-tied, old guard.


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The late William Jenkins, appearing on CAN-TV

Chicago, IL – On Oct. 30, 2001, the workers' movement lost a voice – and a camera – when William Jenkins died of heart failure.


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Richard Berg (right),  Tom Leedham

Chicago, IL – In a stunning upset, members of Teamsters Local 743 voted to send a rank and file slate of delegates to their convention; rejecting the slate dominated by officers, staff and stooges for International President Jimmy Hoffa Jr. The Teamsters International Convention sets policy for the union, and nominates candidates for International Union President and the Executive Board. Conventions are held only once every 5 years.


By staff

Sirlena Perry speaks at a rally on bullhorn

Chicago, IL – Sirlena Perry is a clerical worker and a trade unionist in Chicago. She has also been a supporter of the Teamsters 743 New Leadership Slate for many years. She gave a speech introducing members of the Slate when they were honored at this year’s People’s Thanksgiving in Chicago, an annual fundraiser for Fight Back! newspaper.