Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

international workers day

By staff

Marching May 1 in Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – On May 1, the annual International Workers Day march for immigrant and workers rights merged in the streets with a Black Lives Matter march. During rush hour the combined march took over all lanes in both directions of major arterial streets as they marched downtown to the Hennepin County Government Center. Chants and songs alternated between the themes of immigrant rights, workers’ rights and Black Lives Matter.


By Zachary Schultz

Tallahassee, FL – On May 1, over 30 students and community members gathered in downtown Tallahassee for a march in solidarity with the people of Baltimore for International Workers Day. The march was called by the Black Liberation Action Coordinating Committee (BLACC), Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and the Transgender Liberation Front (TLF). The protesters demanded justice for the murder of Freddie Grey, Jeremy Lett, Mya Hall and all other victims of police brutality.


By staff

Tampa May Day protest demands no deportations for the undocumented

Tampa, FL – More than 50 people gathered outside of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office in Ybor, a Tampa neighborhood, May 1. Uniting on International Workers' Day, community members, workers, immigrants and students demanded not one more deportation. The Department of Homeland Security and the Tampa Police Department showed up in armored vehicles and took to the streets on bicycles in an attempt to intimidate the activists.


By mick

Jess Sundin of Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Minneapolis, MN – About 90 workers, community members and students came together here, April 26, for an enthusiastic celebration of International Workers’ Day. The May Day event was organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO).


By Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

El 1ero de Mayo del 2015 los trabajadores de todo el mundo celebran el día internacional del trabajador y la lucha por un mejor mundo. En la mayoría de los países, el pueblo trabajador y oprimido marcha por las calles enarbolando banderas rojas. Líderes de la clase trabajadora dan importantes discursos sobre la historia y sobre la continua lucha en contra de este injusto sistema que solo beneficia al 1%. El 1ero de Mayo es una oportunidad para celebrar a la clase trabajadora y el brillante futuro para los que continuamos defendiendo y luchando contra los patrones y las compañías que nos explotan. El 1ero de Mayo es también un día para apoyar a las naciones y los pueblos oprimidos del mundo, quienes resisten la guerra y ocupación de los EE.UU y su maquinaria guerrerista. La Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad ( le insiste al pueblo a que salga a las calles a marchar este 1ero de Mayo y presentar foros de discusión sobre la necesidad de acabar con el gobierno del 1 % y establecer el socialismo; un sistema donde el poder político y económico este en las manos de los trabajadores.

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

On May 1, 2015, workers around the world will celebrate International Workers’ Day and the struggle for a better world. In most every country, workers and oppressed peoples will march in the streets waving red flags. Working class leaders will give powerful speeches about the history and future of the struggle against an unfair system that only benefits the 1%. May Day is an opportunity to celebrate the working class and the bright future ahead for those of us who work and stand against the bosses and companies that exploit us. May 1 is also a day to stand with oppressed nations and peoples of the world who are resisting war and occupation by the U.S. ruling class and its military machine. Freedom Road Socialist Organization ( urges people to march on May Day and host forums about the working class, the need to end the rule of the 1% and to establish socialism – a system where political and economic power is in the hands of the workers.


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – Several dozen Milwaukee activists attended the May 3 event “Celebrate May Day with Freedom Road Socialist Organization, A Conversation on the Year in People’s Movements and the Struggle for Socialism” to discuss the importance of International Workers Day and the fight for socialism.


By Sarah Buchner

Picket outside Asheville newspaper, the Mountain Xpress.

Asheville, NC – Two-dozen workers gathered in downtown Asheville for a rally on May 1 to celebrate International Workers Day. Community members and workers brought red flags and signs such as, “Thou shalt not steal. Stop wage theft now!” The Asheville May 1st Coalition organized the rally, bringing together organizers from Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Women Organizing to Resist and Defend, Veterans For Peace, Industrial Workers of the World, Asheville Homeless Network and Just Economics.


By staff

Vow to 'Fight for our future' and rebuild a fighting labor movement

Jacksonville, FL – Around 40 workers from Jacksonville attended a backyard May Day cookout to celebrate International Workers Day. The event, hosted by the newly-formed Young Workers of Jacksonville (YWJ), drew workers from across many industries and unions. A giant black-and-white banner welcomed them, “The future is ours, Young Workers fight back.”


By staff

Tampa May Day march against deportations

Tampa, FL – On May 3, protesters demanded “not one more” deportation for the millions of undocumented in the U.S. This was Tampa's second May Day protest against ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), DHS (Department of Homeland Security) and Obama's record 2 million deportations. Joining together at Centennial Park in Ybor City, they rallied under a banner that read, “Shut down ICE.” Ybor City is known as a home for immigrants and has been a destination for the migration of different peoples for over 100 years.