Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

international workers day

By staff

May Day rally on steps of Milwaukee Courthouse

Milwaukee, WI – In the drizzling rain and chilly temperatures, several thousand immigrants, workers and family members marched from Milwaukee’s South Side to the County Courthouse downtown, demanding an end to ICE raids in the courts and legalization for all.


By Jafe Arnoldski

May 1 march for immigrant and worker's rights

“Deport La Migra! Not the workers!” chanted hundreds of Tucsonans who took the fight against mass deportations and attacks on workers to some of those responsible for these attacks. The May Day march stopped at Wells Fargo, McDonald's, UPS and a University of Arizona future site for promoting technology to further border militarization. The chant “El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido!” echoed through the barrios of Tucson.

#TucsonAZ #internationalWorkersDay #May1

By Redacción

Manifestacion el 1ro de mayo en Saint Paul, Minnesota

Saint Paul, MN – El 1ro de mayo, el día internacional de los trabajadores, alrededor de dos mil personas marcharon dos millas y media desde la mansión del gobernador hasta el capitolio estatal. La marcha tuvo cuatro demandas: licencias de conducir para todos, derechos para los trabajadores, una reforma migratoria justa, y no más deportaciones.

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By staff

May 1 demonstration at Minnesota State Capitol

Saint Paul, MN – On May 1, International Workers Day, around 2000 people marched two and a half miles from the Governor’s Mansion to the State Capitol. The march raised four demands: drivers licenses for all, workers rights, just immigration reform, and no more deportations.


By Eduardo Cott

Marcha del 1ro de mayo 2014 en Tucson, Arizona

Tucson, AZ – El día internacional de los trabajadores se reconoce no solo como el día en que la clase trabajadora sale a las calles a defender los derechos que ha conquistado durante su larga historia de lucha, sino que también es el día en que la clase trabajadora internacional se manifiesta para continuar exigiendo sus reivindicaciones. Debido a las condiciones históricas y culturales especificas al Suroeste los Estados Unidos, aquí en Arizona existe una estrecha relación entre las luchas laborales y la lucha por los derechos de los inmigrantes. La clase trabajadora de Tucson está comprometida con el deber histórico de defender los derechos de los inmigrantes, ya que la gran mayoria de los inmigrantes también son parte de la clase trabajadora.

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By staff

Miami, FL- About 50 people waving flags and banners gathered at the Torch of Friendship, May 1, to celebrate International Workers Day. Members of various South Florida progressive, socialist and anarchist organizations joined together for this event, which included speeches and a brief march down busy Biscayne Boulevard.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

May Day is International Workers’ Day, a day to uphold workers’ struggle around the world. Workers will take to the streets in most of the major cities of the world, holding high their union banners and red flags. Workers will march and protest, listen to rousing speeches and appreciate the past sacrifice of labor militants. Freedom Road Socialist Organization encourages comrades, fellow activists and friends to get out and march, host forums on workers and socialism and show your solidarity with those fighting to end exploitation and oppression!


By staff

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Los Angeles, CA – An important mobilization for immigrant rights is happening here, as activists build for a rally and march on May 1. Organized by the South California Immigration Coalition, the protest will demand “Stop the Deportations Now” and “Legalization for All.” The demonstration will start at Olympic and Broadway, at 4 p.m.


By Jess Sundin

Jess Sundin

Fight Back News Service is reprinting the speech of Jess Sundin, a leader of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, delivered at the FRSO-organized May Day celebration, May 3.


By mick

Deb Howze, of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, welcoming audience at Minneap

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 people gathered here May 3 for a celebration to mark International Workers Day. The event was organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization. In a festively decorated hall, the celebration began with a dinner and slide show that highlighted the struggles of the past year.