Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Cane.

New York, NY – Nearly 2000 people gathered at Riverside Church in New York City, Sept. 26 to hear Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermudez. The event, titled “Cuba Speaks for Itself!”, was organized by the September 25th Welcoming Committee, consisting of various New York and New Jersey solidarity organizations.


By Redacción

México City, México – El 5 de marzo ¡Lucha y Resiste! entrevistó a Niurka González Orberá, Secretaria General del Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación, la Ciencia y el Deporte (SNTECD). La entrevista fue realizada en el 18 congreso de la Federación Internacional de la Enseñanza (FISE) en la Ciudad de México.

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México City, México – On March 5, Fight Back! News interviewed Niurka González Orberá, the General Secretary of the Cuban Union of Education, Science, and Sports Workers (SNTECD). The interview was done at the 18th Congress of the World Federation of Teachers Unions (FISE) in Mexico City.


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Puts U.S. cities like Milwaukee to shame

Washington, D.C. – Cuba has hit a milestone by maintaining an infant mortality rate below five per 1,000 live births for the tenth consecutive year, according to the authoritative press outlet Granma.


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Evento en solidaridad con Cuba en San José, Costa Rica

San José, Costa Rica – Con motivo de la celebración de los 91 años del nacimiento del Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz un grupo de organizaciones costarricenses se reunieron por la tarde el pasado 12 de agosto, en la sede del sindicato UNDECA, en el centro de la capital, San José. La actividad fue convocada por la Embajada de Cuba en Costa Rica y por el Comité Costarricense de Solidaridad con Cuba.

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Event in solidarity with Cuba in San José, Costa Rica

San José, Costa Rica – A group of organizations gathered at the office of the UNDECA union in the center of the capital San José on the evening of August 12 to celebrate Fidel Castro Ruz’s 91st birthday. The Cuban Embassy in Costa Rica and the Costa Rican Committee in Solidarity with Cuba organized the event.


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Washington DC – In an August 1 statement, the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs denounced U.S. efforts to silence the voice of the Venezuelan people.


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Marcha en solidaridad con Cuba el 27 de julio en San Salvador

San Salvador, El Salvador – El 27-29 de julio 2017, 300 delegados de organizaciones de solidaridad con Cuba de los países de El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, México y Colombia realizaron el II Encuentro Centroamericano de Solidaridad con Cuba. El Encuentro fue patrocinado por el Movimiento Salvadoreño de Solidaridad con Cuba, compuesto por varios comités de El Salvador que apoyan a Cuba socialista. El encuentro reafirmó la solidaridad con el pueblo y el gobierno socialista cubano.

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Milwaukee, WI – About 30 people gathered here, June 24, to stand in solidarity with socialist Cuba and Bolivarian Venezuela. The rally was called in response to President Trump’s unveiling of new restrictions on travel to Cuba.


By Cassia Laham

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Doral, FL – About 40 activists marched from Trump National Resort in Doral to U.S. Southern Command, June 25, to demand that President Trump shut down Guantanamo Bay prison. The prison currently holds 41 detainees, 26 of whom have not been charged or tried for any crimes and five of whom have been cleared for release.