Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

David Pulido

By David Pulido

Educadores de Santa Ana, California, protestan contra los despidos.

Santa Ana, CA – Más de 200 educadores se manifestaron en la Cámara de Comercio de Santa Ana el martes 29 de enero para protestar contra los recortes presupuestarios y los despidos de hasta 546 empleados.

Maestros de primaria y secundaria, consejeros, especialistas en currículo y trabajadores sociales, así como miembros de sindicatos locales, padres y niños llenaron la cámara. Incluso más personas se vieron obligadas a entrar en la sala de desbordamiento y el pasillo del edificio del distrito.

El mes pasado, el Distrito Escolar de Santa Ana (SAUSD) aprobó un “Plan de Estabilización Presupuestaria” que amenazaba con despedir a muchos de estos trabajadores. El superintendente del distrito, Jerry Almendarez, dijo que la decisión era un sacrificio necesario que no afectaría gravemente a los estudiantes y las familias. Al mismo tiempo, no se consideraron puestos gerenciales para los despidos: Almendarez recibió $447,561 en compensación en 2022, y la agenda de la reunión originalmente incluía un aumento salarial propuesto del 3% y una bonificación única del 3% para él antes de que la reacción de la comunidad cambiara la opinión de la junta.

Irónicamente, a pesar de esta crisis, no fueron los educadores públicos sino los activistas de las escuelas charter los primeros en hablar. Los defensores de Compass Charter School se quejaron del gran tamaño de las clases en las escuelas públicas y elogiaron la enseñanza híbrida y la educación en el hogar, que son modelos poco realistas para las familias de clase trabajadora en Santa Ana. El padre Max Page dijo que se sentía “seguro” al dejar a sus hijos en Compass, insinuando que las escuelas del SAUSD son peligrosas. Todos los estudiantes y maestros de Compass Charter eran blancos en una ciudad que es 77% latina/chicana según los datos del censo de 2020.

Mientras tanto, el maestro de escuela pública Vladimir Benítez dijo en español, “En primer lugar, a todas las familias inmigrantes, ¡los vemos! Los amamos. Estamos aquí para apoyarlos. Sé lo que está sucediendo en sus vidas – mis padres también fueron inmigrantes indocumentados en los años 90 cuando teníamos a Pete Wilson, ¡pero todavía estamos aquí! ¡Y vamos a permanecer aquí!”

Benítez continuó: “Reducir la cantidad de maestros que quieren recortar en este momento histórico – la historia va a ver, ‘¿Qué hicimos?’ Si no sienten vergüenza de recortar los recursos para estos niños, entonces no sé por qué están aquí”.

Los educadores en el salón de desbordamiento vitorearon y exigieron “¡Sin despidos! ¡Sin recortes!” a pesar de las advertencias de la junta para que se mantuvieran en silencio.

La maestra de educación especial Edith Esqueda dijo: “Estoy aquí esta noche como una maestra preocupada, profundamente comprometida con el futuro de nuestro distrito”. A los miembros de la junta y a los superintendentes, les dijo: “Un día ustedes empacarán sus cosas y se mudarán a la siguiente mejor opción; ¡estamos aquí para quedarnos!”

Esqueda dijo: “El corazón de nuestro distrito no está en las oficinas, sino en nuestras aulas donde están todos nuestros estudiantes”.

Los manifestantes en la audiencia sostenían carteles que decían “351 despidos es lo inimaginable”, una referencia al lema del SAUSD “imagina lo inimaginable” que se colocó en los materiales promocionales del distrito este año.

Tanya Guzmán, maestra del SAUSD durante 31 años, dijo: “Mientras reflexionaba sobre la magnitud de las eliminaciones propuestas ante nosotros, no pude evitar reflexionar sobre el tema de ‘imagina lo inimaginable’ para este año escolar. Este tema ha adquirido un nuevo significado al imaginar las consecuencias inimaginables que estos recortes crearán. Es inimaginable que el aprendizaje no se vea afectado por las reducciones propuestas”.

Erica González habló como exalumna y madre del SAUSD, y reforzó los puntos del orador anterior Albert Castillo sobre “los $10.4 millones de dólares anuales que se destinan a los 85 oficiales del Departamento de Policía de Santa Ana que están en el campus las 24 horas del día, los siete días de la semana, incluso durante el verano”. Dijo: “SAUSD tiene la tercera agencia de policía escolar más grande de toda California”.

La trabajadora social Luz González habló sobre el apoyo vital que ofrece a los estudiantes, dando ejemplos de la vida real de su trabajo: “La tercera estudiante del día entra a su sesión, confiando sus temores de deportaciones masivas inminentes. ¿Su plan familiar? Sus padres dejarían a su hermana de 18 años a cargo de ella y su hermano de 11 años. Está abrumada y aterrorizada”.

Mirando directamente a Almendarez y en respuesta a los posibles despidos de los trabajadores sociales, preguntó: “¿Cuánto está dispuesto a arriesgar?”.

La presión pública obligó a que la reunión terminara cerca de la medianoche sin una votación sobre los despidos de maestros. La junta programó una reunión especial para decidir sobre el Plan de Estabilización el viernes 31 de enero.

Entre los manifestantes en la reunión se encontraban educadores de SAUSD, miembros de la Asociación de Educadores de Santa Ana (SAEA), miembros del sindicato National Union of Health Care Workers y miembros del Local 9510 de Communication Workers of America (CWA).

#SantaAnaCA #CA #Labor #ImmigrantRights #CWA

By David Pulido

Protesta contra la agenda de Trump en Santa Ana, California.

Santa Ana, CA – Más de 100 miembros de la comunidad, activistas y organizadores se congregaron en Santa Ana para protestar contra la inauguración de Donald Trump el 20 de enero.

A pesar de las frías ráfagas de viento, la multitud llenó la intersección de S Bristol Street y W McFadden Avenue, un lugar en el que la gente se ha congregado durante años, como en la primera inauguración de Trump o durante la Rebelión de George Floyd.

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By David Pulido

Protest against Trump agenda in Santa Ana, California.

Santa Ana, CA – Over 100 community members, activists and organizers rallied in Santa Ana to protest the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20.


By David Pulido

 Almost 30 bullet holes are still visible at the site of the killing.

Santa Ana, CA – On December 1, two officers from Santa Ana Police Department (SAPD) shot and killed a man in downtown Santa Ana near Broadway and 2nd Street. SAPD stated that people called about a man loading a rifle. Nearly 30 bullet holes scar the wall where he was shot for holding what turned out to be a non-lethal airsoft gun.


By David Pulido

Marchers protest police killings in front of Fullerton PD.

Fullerton, CA – Over 30 people, including families impacted by police killings, protested against police brutality at the Fullerton Transit Center on Friday, July 5. The protest was spurred by the March killing of Alejandro Campos Rios by the Fullerton Police Department. Rios was homeless and experiencing a mental health crisis when police killed him.


By David Pulido

Police attack pro-Palestine encampment at University of California, Irvine.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Irvine, CA – At least 20 police departments besieged the University of California, Irvine Gaza solidarity encampment on May 15, as student protesters marked the anniversary of the 1948 Nakba. Earlier that morning, protesters reclaimed UCI Physical Sciences Lecture Hall and renamed it in honor of Alex Odeh, a Palestinian American activist who was assassinated in Santa Ana, California in 1985 by three members of the Jewish Defense League.


By David Pulido

Palestine solidarity encampment at University of California, Irivne.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Irvine, CA – “We demand amnesty for student protesters!” said a Palestinian student organizer at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) Gaza solidarity encampment. “We’ve made it clear that we are not leaving until all of our demands are met. If anything, the student suspensions have only made us more determined to stay and hold our ground, because this fight is bigger than us. It’s a fight against genocide and our tuition money going towards the weapons that are murdering Palestinians by the Israeli government!”


By David Pulido

Palestine solidarity encampment at UC Irvine. | Fight Back! News/staff

Irvine, CA – On Monday, April 29, a gathering of about 70 students and faculty swelled to over 200 people to demand that the University of California, Irvine (UCI) divest completely from Israel.


By David Pulido

FPD body cam footage from the night they murdered Alejandro Campos Rios.

Fullerton, CA – On March 6, Fullerton Police Department (FPD) killed Alejandro Campos Rios with bean bag projectiles and a taser. Age 50 and homeless, Rios was dancing and apparently under the influence but not posing any threat. One officer fired a taser while another shot five bean bag shotgun rounds at Rios, who collapsed bleeding and clutching his body. Rios was pronounced dead after arriving at a hospital.


By David Pulido

Anaheim demands boycott of Zionist Sadaf products. | Fight Back! News/staff

Anaheim, CA – “You join the heroes who stood up and said, ‘War? Not in our name! Death? Not in our name! Money toward genocide? Not in our name!’” declared Kareem Youssef, member of the US Palestinian Community Network (USPCN), to a crowd of over 20 protesters in front of a Super King Market on March 3.

The action was part of the larger “Boycott Sadaf” campaign, whose goal is to remove Sadaf Food products from grocery stores. Sadaf Foods is a Zionist company that sources its products in occupied Palestine and tries to normalize the state of Israel.

Activists took the parking lot chanting, “Super King, hear our voice! Zionist food is not a choice!” and “Not another nickel, not another dime! No more money for Israel’s crimes!”

They were confronted by security guards who tried to intimidate them into moving out of the parking lot, but Youssef and others asserted their right to protest Super King market for shelving Sadaf Food products. As seven police SUVs and one motorcycle officer poured into the lot, another organizer from USPCN said he had spoken with the manager of Super King before staging this action, and the manager sent him to customer service. “How ridiculous! They want us to go through a bureaucracy when we tell them to stop funding genocide, when we tell them that you’re profiting off of the stolen food while our people are starving in Gaza, while children are starving! And instead, they call the cops on us. Shame on Super King! Shame on Sadaf! Boycott Sadaf!”

Diana Terreros, member of Community Service Organization Orange County (CSO OC) and Freedom Road Socialist Organization, stated that “CSO stands in unequivocal solidarity with the Palestinian resistance against the occupation of Israel, who is committing a genocide and has been dispossessing Palestinians for 75 years.” She also spoke on the recent victory of the Boycott Sadaf campaign in Garden Grove, where an action forced Harvest Fresh market to deshelve its Sadaf products just 30 minutes into the rally. Terreros stated, “We will keep fighting against these Zionist corporations! Our struggles as Chicanos and Palestinians may be different, but we are united against the common enemy of U.S. imperialism, and together we can win.”

Even as the police tried to violate protesters’ First Amendment rights, activists urged customers to boycott Super King until the manager made a contractual agreement to deshelve its Sadaf Food products. Some customers even joined the ranks of activists, taking up signs and shouting back at police and security. The police were forced to stand and watch.

Palestinian flags waved in the lot as Youssef closed the boycott action by warning, “We will be checking on different stores seeking Sadaf across Southern California until every single one of these Southern California stores removes Sadaf Foods from their shelves! Because this is what we can do to make an impact and to address Zionism ourselves, and show them that people power, just us, is enough to cost Sadaf millions!”

The boycott was organized by USPCN, and it included activists from Free Democratic Movement for Palestine, Al-Awda: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, the Palestinian American Women’s Association, Community Service Organization Orange County, and Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO).

#AnaheimCA #International #AntiWarMovement #MiddleEast #Palestine #BDS #USPCN #AlAwda #PAWA #CSOOC #FRSO

By David Pulido

Orange County walkout in solidarity with Palestine. | Fight Back! News/staff

Santa Ana, CA – On Wednesday, October 25, chants of “When people are occupied, resistance is justified!” and “Not another nickel! Not another dollar! No more money for Israel’s slaughter!” filled the streets of Santa Ana as over 50 people rallied outside the Ronald Reagan Federal Building to protest Israeli occupation of Palestine.


By David Pulido

Trabuco Canyon, CA – John Snowling, a retired sergeant from Ventura Police Department, shot and killed three people in Trabuco Canyon, Orange County on Wednesday August 23, wounding six others. He was targeting his ex-wife, Marie Snowling, who he shot in the jaw but who survived the injury. The 69-year-old ex-sergeant brought two handguns and a shotgun into Cook’s Corner biker bar that Wednesday, where his recently divorced wife, Marie, was attending a weekly spaghetti night. Snowling shot nine people in the bar and then turned his guns on police, who shot and killed him.


By David Pulido

May Day march in LA.

Los Angeles, CA – For the eighth year in a row, Centro Community Service Organization (CSO) held their May Day march and rally in Boyle Heights. Over 50 people gathered to commemorate International Workers Day and to uplift the demands of legalization for all the undocumented, protecting public education, and community control of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department. The event was emceed by David Pulido of Orange County CSO and Juliana Castellón of Centro CSO.

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