Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Caryl Sortwell

By Caryl Sortwell

Chicago, IL – When ex-death row inmate Aaron Patterson was pardoned by Illinois Governor George Ryan in January, 2003, he came out of prison vowing to fight for justice. Within hours of his release, Patterson spoke at a Chicago anti-war rally. The next day he was a featured speaker at an anti-police frame-up community forum hosted by Comite Exigimos Justicia. In the months since his release, Aaron Patterson has proven to be a tireless and inspiring leader in the struggle against Chicago police misconduct, brutality and torture. He emerged as the city’s single most important leader of this fight. This made Patterson an irresistible target for the Chicago police and the U.S. Justice Department.


By Caryl Sortwell

Chicago, IL – El pasado 22 de Octubre, mas de 600 ciudadanos de Chicago se juntaron en Daley Plaza para parar la brutalidad policiaca y la criminalizacion de una generacion. Víctimas de la brutalidad policiaca y sus familias hablaron sobre sus experiencias con “los buenos” de Chicago y sus luchas por justicia. Ilsa Guillen, la viuda de Jorge Guillen, quien fue matado por tres policias in 1993, dijo a traves de un interprete, “Mayor Daley, aunque usted no estuvo allá en la noche que mi esposo fue matado, usted ha matado a mi esposo otra vez cuando se niega a castigar a sus asesinos.”

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By Caryl Sortwell

Protest crowd

Chicago, IL – 200 activistas contra la brutalidad policial llevaron su mensaje a la vecindad de Dick Devine el Sábado 2 de Junio del 2001. El Sr. Devine es el Abogado del Estado del condado de Cook. Este es el funcionario responsable de procesar a oficiales de la policía corruptos o involucrados en brutalidad policial. Los protestantes marcharon a través de la vecindad de Devine, empujando más allá la policía en los caballos que intentaron evitar que la marcha pasara por la calle donde este vive. “Devine ha rechazado constantemente satisfacernos con respecto de abrir a una investigación en la área 5 de la policía,” dijo Blanca González del Comité Exigimos Justicia (CEJ).“Ahora nos tiene que escuchar, ya que estamos en frente de su puerta!”

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By Caryl Sortwell

Protest crowd

Chicago, IL – Over 200 anti-police brutality activists took their message to the neighborhood of Cook County State's Attorney, Dick Devine, June 2. Devine's responsibilities include prosecuting brutal police officers and investigating police frame-ups. Protesters marched through Devine's neighborhood, pushing past police on horses that tried to prevent them from walking down Devine's street.


By Caryl Sortwell

demonstration in front of Chicago Police Area 5

Chicago, IL – In 1997 Angel Rodriguez was framed for murder by Chicago Area 5 Detectives Jon Woodall and Ernest Halvorsen. He was convicted and sentenced to over 60 years in prison. After almost four years in prison for a crime that he did not commit, Rodriguez’s conviction was reversed on appeal in March of 2000 because of lack of reliable evidence.


By Caryl Sortwell

Chicago, IL – October 22nd, over 600 Chicagoans gathered in the Daley Plaza to rally to stop police brutality and the criminalization of a generation. The event marked the third year in a row that Chicago anti-police brutality activists came together to demand that the Chicago Police are held accountable for their actions.


By Caryl Sortwell

Police Frame-Up Exposed

(Fight Back! Stephanie Weiner)

Chicago, IL – On April 6, a jury of twelve women and men told the Chicago Police Department and the Cook County State's Attorney's Office that they didn't buy their story about a police shooting last happened last June 10th. Community members from the Lathrop Homes housing projects and anti-police brutality activists are now celebrating the verdict in the Agenor Roman case, though the jury's decision is a partial victory.


By Caryl Sortwell

(Fight Back! Stephanie Wiener)

It's Oscar season and Hollywood is lined up to honor the industry's “best.” Unfortunately, as in previous years, controversial movies like The Hurricane, starring Denzel Washington, are left out of the Best Picture category.

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