Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

UPS Freight vote

By staff

Washington, D.C. – The UPS Freight contract was ratified November 12 following a campaign of scare tactics carried out by UPS and the leadership of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT).

The company had slowed down its operations and stopped picking up new cargo in the week leading up to the vote, resulting in most Freight employees being laid off. Simultaneously, the IBT had not effectively prepared for a strike, leaving many members unconfident about a strike’s outcome.

Many UPS Freight employees are still laid off and it is unknown at this time how many will be hired back on as the company begins picking up new shipments. In fact, Teamster leader Denis Taylor stated on the IBT conference call announcing the results that laid-off Freight “members who are not called back should file for unemployment compensation just like any layoff.” “It’s my understanding that the other union freight companies are hiring,” added Taylor.

With a tight labor market in the less-than-load shipping market, and UPS Freight’s busiest season approaching, a strike would have had favorable conditions. However, due to UPS and the IBT misleaders working together to force a subpar contract, UPS Freight employees will suffer for the next five years.

#WashingtonDC #PeoplesStruggles #Teamsters #UPS #UPSFreight

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