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Teamster Local 89 voting no on UPS contract

By staff

Louisville, KY – Teamster Local 89 is a hotbed of opposition to the proposed contract with United Parcel Service. Across the U.S. there is a growing movement of UPS workers urging a no vote on the contract.

The website of Teamster Local 89 reports, “On Friday night, May 24, sisters and brothers from both the Air and Ground divisions showed their solidarity by standing together to inform their fellow members of upcoming contract vote on the proposed National Master Agreement and Central Region Supplement. In just three hours, volunteers handed out over 4000 leaflets to Next Day Air workers at every entrance to the Air District. These handbills help explain the unanimous decision, by UPS stewards, business agents and Executive Board, to recommend rejection of the two proposed agreements. The overwhelming majority of members said they will be voting NO!”

#LouisvilleKY #Teamsters #workersRights #UPSContract #TeamstersLocal89

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