Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Gia Davila

Thermometer reads 114 degrees.

Tampa, FL – On Thursday, August 15, Tampa Teamsters spoke to the media and handed out flyers exposing UPS’s ongoing failure to provide heat safety. The workers handed out thermometers to other workers and asked them to fill out heat safety surveys as a way of raising awareness of the intense heat that workers are facing every day during the Florida summer. 


By staff

Minneapolis, MN - On July 19 a Microsoft outage took the world by storm. The mid-morning blackout of Microsoft services was an unexpected hit that shut down business as usual. Airlines in particular were severely impacted by this outage as it canceled and delayed many flights. At non-unionized airlines such as Delta, this temporary shutdown has exposed and exacerbated already existing issues.


By staff

EUC stalled in Congress

Washington, DC – Unemployment rates ticked upwards in 30 states, according to an Aug. 18 report from the federal government’s U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Ohio, Maryland and South Carolina had the largest job losses. Mississippi has the country’s highest unemployment rate, at 8%. Meanwhile, Congress is in recess until September.


By staff

Deb Howze of the Welfare Rights Committee at Aug. 9 celebration.

Minneapolis, MN – About 40 members and supporters of the Twin Cities-based Welfare Rights Committee (WRC) came together here, Aug. 9, to celebrate the two-year battle to raise welfare grants. Speaking to the crowd, members of the WRC talked about some of the key protests and actions from the past year and expressed determination to continue the struggle.


By staff

Socialist leader condemns government inaction

Washington, DC – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid stated in a June 6 press statement, “It is my hope that Congress can still act on extending unemployment. This vital lifeline is so critical to struggling families in Nevada and throughout the country.”


By staff

Battle likely to continue into summer

Washington, DC – House speaker John Boehner (R-OH) still refuses to allow a vote on legislation to restore unemployment compensation to the long-term jobless. In a May 21 statement on job training, Boehner failed to address the predicament of the nearly 3 million workers who have been hit by the failure of Congress to restore Extended Unemployment Benefits.


By staff

Washington, DC – Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez urged an immediate vote on bill to extend benefits for the long term jobless in a May 7 letter to Republican House Speaker John Boehner. Perez also stated that he was willing to meet with Boehner to discuss his questions and concerns about the legislation.


By staff

Joined by letter carriers, mail handlers, and UPS Teamsters

Postal Workers and other trade unionists protest USPS privatization.

Jacksonville, FL – Dozens of union workers rallied outside of the Staples store on Beach Boulevard here to oppose the proposed privatization of key United States Postal Service (USPS) jobs.


By Jonathan Waring

May Day solidarity picket outside Citizens Co-Op.

Gainesville, FL – About 40 people gathered at the Civic Media Center, May 1, to support fired members of the Citizens Co-Op Workers Union and celebrate International Workers’ Day with BBQ and live music.


By Derek Clark

FRSO May Day event in Salt Lake City.

Salt Lake City, UT – Six speakers, along with about 40 workers, activists and community members, gathered for a panel discussion to recognize International Workers' Day, May 1. Hosted by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, the panel covered a range of issues including working class and union struggles, the immigration struggle, immigration reform, the current state of imperialism and government corruption. Alyssa Faith moderated the event.