Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

May Day rally in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Fort Lauderdale, FL – On May 1 over a dozen people gathered in front of the U.S. Federal Building in downtown Fort Lauderdale to commemorate International Workers Day. Despite steady rain, protesters held banners reading, “May Day South Florida,” and “Money for jobs and education, not wars and occupation!” on the corner of a busy intersection.


By staff

Carlos Montes (center) at LA May Day protest.

Los Angeles, CA – The Southern California Immigration Coalition (SCIC) led a militant political march and rally in the heart of Los Angeles, May 1, with thousands of garment workers, students and a contingent from Occupy LA. The event was a political protest against the U.S. ICE/police deportations. The clear demand was for legalization for all. The majority of marchers were Latino wearing red shirts and carrying flags from Central America, Latin America, Mexico and the red flag of Aztlan. Many of the speakers expressed an anti-war and pro-worker view in support for people of the world who fight against the U.S. empire. Other May 1 events in L.A. were more like celebrations with music concerts – many wearing white with U.S. flags.


By Jared Hamil

May Day march in Tampa, FL

Tampa, FL – On May 1, a large crowd gathered during a rain storm to demand legalization for all undocumented people and overall genuine immigration reform. May Day, or International Workers' Day, traditionally has been a day for demanding workers' rights. In recent years, it has been a day for Latinos, immigrants and allies to demand legalization and full equality.


By staff

May Day 2013 in Milwaukee

Milwaukee, WI – Thousands attended this year’s May Day celebration here. The May 1 event advanced the demand for immigration reform, including legalization for all undocumented immigrants in the U.S., as well as continued support for the nearly year-long Palermo's workers’ strike.


By staff

Tallahassee, FL – As the Florida legislative session comes to a close, workers racked up a couple of major victories at the capitol. After months of protest by labor unions and progressive groups, the Florida Senate defeated two bills that would have attacked pensions for public workers and allowed corporations to privatize public schools.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Across the globe, workers are fighting back against their bosses and people are standing up to their oppressors. On May 1 people around the world will celebrate International Workers Day – commonly called May Day – by taking to the streets. To mark the occasion, the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) urges all revolutionaries, progressives, activists and organizers here in the U.S. to go all out building the people’s fightback against capitalist greed and struggle for socialism.


By Cecelia O’ Brien

FSU students protest sweatshops

Tallahassee, FL – 25 students at Florida State University (FSU) picked up their picket signs to protest a pro-sweatshop economist who spoke on campus here, Feb. 7. The FSU Economics Department brought Ben Powell, a right-wing libertarian economist, to speak in favor of sweatshops and exploitative working conditions.


By Masao Suzuki

San José, CA – Starting Jan. 1, payroll taxes paid by workers went up from 4.2% to 6.2%. This increase will affect about 77% of all households. Depending on other deductions and taxes, this will lower the take-home pay of workers by 2% or more.


By Jared Hoey

Some of the people at the St. Petersburg, FL rally for reproductive rights.

St. Petersburg, FL – More than 50 people gathered here, Jan. 22, to rally on the 40th anniversary of Roe V. Wade. Protesters gathered on a busy street corner to stand up for women's rights and access to safe healthcare. There were anti-choice demonstrators who showed up to counter-protest the event, but those present did not allow the anti-choicers to stifle their voice.


By staff

At least 12 injured by police

Protest in wake of Walker recall

Milwaukee, WI – The day after Governor Walker survived his recall election, hundreds marched in the streets of Milwaukee in non-violent civil disobedience from Pere Marquette Park to City Hall and into the banking district. Occupy Milwaukee, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 998, AFSCME Local 82, Milwaukee Teachers Education Association, Voces de la Frontera, Milwaukee Students for a Democratic Society, Youth Empowered in the Struggle, Peace Action WI, Wisconsin Bail Out the People Movement, 9 to 5, Citizen Action, Welfare Warriors and dozens of other community organizations demanded: Repeal the union busting bill Act 10; reinstate the Equal Pay Act; and tax the 1%.