Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Masao Suzuki

While Donald Trump claims to be for the working man, his tax proposal is just another Republican tax cut for the rich and big business. The biggest single tax break would be for corporations, whose tax rate would be cut from 35% to 15%. This and other tax cuts for corporations and other businesses would cut federal tax revenue by about $4.5 trillion dollars over the next ten years, or about $450 billion dollars a year. This would mainly benefit the top 1%, who own about half of corporate and business wealth and other high-income individuals who could change their tax status to be a business.


By Legalization For All (L4A)

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following call from the Legalization for All (L4A) network.

On Friday, January 20, 2017 Donald Trump will be inaugurated as President of the United States. Trump ran a racist campaign, calling Mexicans “rapists, criminals, and drug dealers…” His plans for his first 100 days includes ending DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), deporting millions of undocumented, building a wall on the border with Mexico, further criminalizing the undocumented, cutting off Federal funds to sanctuary cities, and more attacks on immigrants. 70% of the undocumented are from Mexico and Central America, and these are the people that Trump is primarily targeting.


By staff

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The Progressive Student Union organized an anti-trump protest at the University of Texas at Arlington, Nov. 13. About 30 people marched throughout campus shouting chants such as, “Trump, you bum, we don't want your nazi scum,” and “Hands too small, can't build that wall.” The Progressive Student Union was one of the many student groups who responded to the National Student for a Democratic Society (SDS) call for action following the election of Donald Trump.


By staff

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The Progressive Student Union organized an anti-trump protest at the University of Texas at Arlington, Nov. 13. About 30 people marched throughout campus shouting chants such as, “Trump, you bum, we don't want your nazi scum,” and “Hands too small, can't build that wall.” The Progressive Student Union was one of the many student groups who responded to the National Student for a Democratic Society (SDS) call for action following the election of Donald Trump.


By staff

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The Progressive Student Union organized an anti-trump protest at the University of Texas at Arlington, Nov. 13. About 30 people marched throughout campus shouting chants such as, “Trump, you bum, we don't want your nazi scum,” and “Hands too small, can't build that wall.” The Progressive Student Union was one of the many student groups who responded to the National Student for a Democratic Society (SDS) call for action following the election of Donald Trump.


By staff

Immigrants and supporters say ‘No’ to Trump

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On Wednesday, Nov. 23, 5 p.m., immigrants and supporters who are vowing to fight against President-elect Donald Trump and his anti-immigrant agenda will gather at the corner of Lake Street and Nicollet Avenue in Minneapolis. After a short rally, the crowd will march down Lake Street. The event is being organized by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee’s “No More Deportations” campaign.


By staff

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On Nov. 20, roughly 300 people packed All People’s Church on Milwaukee’s north side to attend the first public meeting of the Milwaukee Coalition Against Trump (MCAT). The Coalition’s mission is to “build a broad and organized resistance led by a coalition of grassroots organizations to Stop Trump and his hateful agenda.”


By Frank Chapman

“Trump is the way backward. We are the way forward”

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We are circulating the text of Frank Chapman’s Nov. 19 speech at Chicago’s 25th annual People’s Thanksgiving event, hosted Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Frank Chapman is a veteran of the Black Liberation Movement. He was a victim of wrongful imprisonment as a young man, and then, like Malcolm X, George Jackson and others, became politicized in prison. His release was won through a political struggle led Angela Davis. From 1981 through 1989, Frank was the executive director of the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. In the past five years, he’s returned to that work, leading the campaign of the Chicago Alliance to win an elected, civilian police accountability council.


By Masao Suzuki

El presidente electo Donald Trump ha prometido una nueva fase de represión contra los inmigrantes indocumentados en los EE.UU., de los cuales el 70% son mexicanos y centro americanos. Durante su campaña presidencial, Trump se dirigió a los inmigrantes mexicanos con ataques racistas, llamándolos narcotraficantes, criminales y violadores. El “Nuevo Contrato con el Elector Americano”, plan de acción para los primeros 100 días de su administración, cumple con las promesas de su campaña.

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By staff

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Thousands of students, community members and activist gathered and marched, Nov. 15, to protest President-elect Donald Trump on the University of Arizona campus.