Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Jim Byrne

President Maduro speaking in Caracas Jan. 23.

Caracas, Venezuela – On January 23, thousands marched in Caracas and listened to a fiery speech from President Maduro to mark two important historic events. In 1958, mass movements joined with patriotic forces in the military to bring down the U.S.-backed dictatorship of Marcos Pérez Jímenez. This was the model of civic-military unity that President Hugo Chávez used in his vision of a Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela. Unfortunately for Venezuelans, the fall of the Jímenez dictatorship was a short-lived victory. The betrayal of this victory ushered in 40 years of violent repression of communists and other dissidents and disastrous economic policies like import substitution and neoliberal privatizations of important public services. By 1989, the massive poverty created by neoliberal policies led to an urban rebellion of workers and the poor, which led to a vicious police crackdown that killed over 3000 people. Three years later, paratrooper commander Hugo Chávez led a military uprising that ultimately failed but created a lasting popularity in the minds of millions of Venezuelans.


By staff

Denver, CO – Students from Denver Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) met on campus January 21 to continue the rallying against U.S. aggression towards Iran and the U.S. occupation of Iraq. This action comes after the illegal act of war of the Trump regime in which Qassem Soleimani was assassinated in the Baghdad International Airport.


By Cassia Laham

Embassy Protectors speak out in at event in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Fort Lauderdale, FL – Over 60 people from South Florida’s tri-county area gathered at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation Church of Fort Lauderdale to hear a panel and question-and-answer session featuring anti-war activists Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers. Zeese and Flowers are two of the four Embassy Protector activists who spent 37 days protecting international law and peace within the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, D.C. They are currently facing bogus federal charges brought by the Trump administration that, if convicted, would mean up to one year in prison and $100,000 fines each.


By staff

Minneapolis protest demands no war with Iran, U.S. out of Iraq.

Minneapolis, MN – 20 people picketed in front of Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office during a blizzard, January 17, for her legitimizing Trump’s targeting of Iran and for her silence on the U.S. occupation of Iraq.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – The Anti-War Committee of Minnesota is holding a protest on Friday, January 17, 4:30 p.m., at U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar’s Office, located at 1200 S Washington Avenue in Minneapolis to demand the senator denounce the Trump administration’s military escalations with Iran and the U.S. continued occupation of Iraq. Klobuchar had the opportunity to denounce Trump’s airstrike and instead responded that Trump should have asked for Congress’ permission.


By staff

Washington DC – According to a January 16 report from Iran’s authoritative news agency FARS, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that the only way that the U.S. can make up for its assassination of top military leader Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani is for the U.S. to withdraw all troops from the region.


By Will Blake

Tampa Bay SDS protest against U.S. attacks on Iran.

Tampa, FL – At the University of South Florida, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) held their second rally against the President Trump’s and U.S. aggression towards Iran. The protest, attended by around 20 students on campus on January 14, has come in the wake of the assassination of a high-ranking Iranian military figure, Qassem Soleimani.


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – Preparations are well in hand for the demonstration set to meet President Donald Trump’s upcoming visit to Milwaukee on January 14. The initial announcement of the protest was met with a great deal of excitement. This feeling has been sustained, reflected in the fact that over 4500 people have said on Facebook they are interested in attending.


By staff

Florida protest against U.S. war on Iran.

Fort Lauderdale, FL- Over the last several days, four protests calling for an end to U.S. aggression toward Iran have taken place throughout the South Florida area. From rallies and marches, to vigils and artistic displays, the progressive-minded people of South Florida have united and made it clear that they oppose any further military escalation against Iran and the entire region.


By staff

Washington, DC – According to widespread press reports in the Middle East, the Balad Air Base, which houses U.S. personal was struck today, January 12, by multiple rockets.