Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Denver, CO – The Denver Teachers Classroom Teacher’s Association (DCTA) announced in a press conference, held in the driving snow in front of the Colorado State Capital Building, that the teachers’ strike will begin on Monday, February 11. This would be the first time since 1984 that Denver teachers would walk off their jobs and set up picket lines.


By staff

Chicago, IL – Top CICS bureaucrats have put management greed ahead of student need, forcing a strike at four unionized schools in the profitable charter operator's 14-school stable, February 5.


By Carlos Montes

Saying no to charter schools in LA.

Los Angeles, CA – As of January 29, UTLA strike victories continue. At a contentious public LAUSD meeting the Board voted 5-1 for a “moratorium on new charter schools.” A loud but small rally by the pro-charter forces chanted and gave misleading speeches promoting their lies. The LAUSD boardroom was packed, with many waiting outside and watching on remote TV. The pro-charter forces packed the room hoping to pressure the board members to vote against a resolution to cap new charter schools. To counter, Eastside Parents Against Privatization leader Eloisa Galindo and Julie Regalado spoke in support of a moratorium on charters. They also told of the damage and segregation charters school cause at LAUSD.


By staff

Denver, CO – Denver Public Schools, in a recent letter to Denver teachers, threatened to call immigration authorities on immigrant teachers if they go on strike. This communication was in response to the teachers, represented by the Denver Classroom Teachers Association (DCTA), voting overwhelmingly to strike for fair pay, with 93% of members voting in favor of industrial action on January 23.


By staff

Denver, CO – Teachers from Denver Public Schools, represented by the Denver Classroom Teachers Association (DCTA), voted 93% in favor of a strike after the breakdown of negotiations with the board of Denver Public Schools (DPS). This is the first strike authorization for Denver Teachers since 1994.


By Marisol Márquez

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Los Angeles, CA – This morning, January 22, LA Mayor Garcetti, the Los Angeles Unified School District Superintendent (and former Wall Street banker) Austin Beutner, along with United Teachers of Los Angeles President Alex Caputo-Pearl announced a deal. On day six of the UTLA strike, LAUSD and UTLA came to a tentative agreement, which includes reducing class sizes, wage increases, hiring more support staff like librarians, psychologists and nurses, increasing spending on special education, putting a moratorium on charter schools, and investing more in community schools.


By staff

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Los Angeles, CA – More than 30,000 striking teachers, along with supporters, parents and students rallied at City Hall, January 18, to press for a decent contract and oppose attempts to privatize public education.

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#LACA #PeoplesStruggles #teachersStrike #Strikes #UTLA #TeachersUnions #UTLAStrike

By Carlos Montes

UTLA strikers rally.

Los Angeles, CA – Day five of UTLA teachers strike started with citywide enthusiastic picketing at all LAUSD schools, January 18. The night before, parents held a protest outside the home of former Wall Street banker and school Superintendent Austin Beutner. Parents were angered that the LA police department showed up in full force to protect the representative of the super rich. Beutner is pushing a plan to “reimagine LAUSD” – a cover for dismantling and privatizing LAUSD. Leading a misinformation campaign, Beutner has misled parents about student absences. In the media, Beutner is making proposals while belittling the mass protest that has brought the country’s 2nd largest school district to a standstill.


By Carlos Montes

Strikers and supporters line the streets of LA.

Los Angeles, CA – Citywide, UTLA teachers and parents continue the strong momentum and LAUSD politicians are feeling the pressure. Negotiations have restarted today, January 17. The UTLA strike is getting national attention and the newly elected California Governor Gavin Newsom is calling on LAUSD Superintendent Austin Beutner and LA Mayor Eric Garcetti to continue with negotiations. Newsom is bringing both politicians in to negotiate at LA City Hall. UTLA has the strength and momentum to win for fully-funded, public, community schools.


By Carlos Montes

Day 3 of the LA teacher strike

Los Angeles, CA – On day 3 of the UTLA teachers strike, seven regional rallies were held citywide, resulted in major street shutdowns. In East LA, East Area UTLA teachers held a loud enthusiastic rally at Soto Street in front of the LAUSD East Area offices. The rain did not put a damper on the loud, enthusiastic teachers and community supporters numbering in the thousands.


By Sol Márquez

UTLA strikers rally against school privatization.

Los Angeles, CA – Arriving at 4:30 a.m. to confront scabs, a large crowd of teachers, parents, students and allies showed up for the picket lines at Breed Street Elementary, January 15, day two of the UTLA teachers strike. Rain and wind did not stop the passionate and determined teachers. The day focused on the fight against privatizing education


By staff

Members of UTLA and supporters march in LA.

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU).


By Sol Márquez

Striking UTLA members and supporters at City Hall.

Los Angeles, CA – At 6 a.m., January 14, over 50 teachers, students, parents and supporters joined the picket line at Breed Street Elementary. Breed Street Elementary, in the Boyle Heights neighborhood, is under attack by the mega-charter corporation Kipp Charter. Kipp Charter is trying to build a new charter school only one block away from Breed Street.


By Joe Iosbaker

Jeanette Taylor pledged to join with other aldermen to submit CPAC legislation

Chicago, IL – 18 candidates for city council, plus one candidate for mayor, took part in a press conference today, January 9, at City Hall in Chicago. They announced their support for an elected Civilian Police Accountability Council (CPAC). Of the 212 candidates running, 47 support the CPAC legislation.


By Communist Party of the Philippines

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Jan. 8 statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines.


By Carlos Montes

Conferencia de prensa y protesta contra Kipp mega charter en Boyle Heights

Los Angeles, CA – Los residentes del vecindario de Boyle Heights, acompañados por familias de estudiantes de escuelas públicas locales, anunciaron, en una conferencia de prensa el 5 de enero y piquete, la presentación de una demanda en el Tribunal Superior contra la ciudad de Los Ángeles y la escuela “charter”  KIPP Promesa para detener el mega proyecto. KIPP Promesa quiere construir una gran escuela “charter” en el antiguo Hospital Lincoln en Boyle Heights.

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By Carlos Montes

Press conference and picket against Kipp mega charter school in Boyle Heights

Los Angeles, CA – Residents of the Boyle Heights neighborhood, joined by families of students of local public schools, announced, at a January 5 press conference and picket, the filing of a lawsuit in Superior Court against the city of Los Angeles and KIPP Promesa charter school to stop the mega project. KIPP Promesa wants to build a large charter school at the former Lincoln Hospital in Boyle Heights.


By staff

Los Angeles, CA – The union made up of LA educators, United Teachers of LA (UTLA), is blasting plans by the LA Unified School District (LAUSD) to hire temporary replacement teachers in the event of a strike.


By Sol Márquez

50,000 people In marched in support of the UTLA December 15 downtown LA.

Los Angeles, CA – This morning, December 19, United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) joined by parents, student and supporters, announced they will strike on Thursday, January 10, 2019. Centro CSO urges parents and students to join the picket line at their local school to stand united with our teachers.


By staff

Striking charter school teachers.

Chicago, IL – Chicago teachers Union (CTU) teachers and paraprofessionals in the Acero/UNO charter network have voted overwhelmingly to ratify a new contract that will dramatically improve teaching and learning conditions in the charter network’s 15 campuses across Chicago. The wins were achieved after a historic five-day strike that saw hundreds of union educators and paraprofessionals take to the streets to demand a fair contract, joined by parents, students and allies calling for change at schools run by Acero. Growing numbers of elected officials joined in the call for a decent contract and accountability from charter executives.

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