Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Isabella Beaupré

Milwaukee, WI – The Milwaukee Teachers Education Association (MTEA) has been fighting budget cuts and downgrades to public schools for years. Governor Scott Walker has been ruthlessly destroying the school system inch by inch and dollar by dollar. It is no exaggeration to say that every student, teacher, classroom and school connected to the Milwaukee Public School system (MPS) has been negatively affected. With hundreds of dedicated members spanning every school in the district, the MTEA has proven itself to be a committed and powerful force for justice within MPS. A force, it should be added, that is more necessary than ever as the school board releases a proposal for the upcoming fiscal period. The cuts are enormous and heartbreaking.


By Jim Byrne

Arizona teachers march.

Tucson, AZ – Thousands of red-clad educators, parents, youth and community members poured into the downtown area April 4, during rush hour. Several marches from nearby schools convened on the street corners outside of the Arizona State Building to send a message to Governor Doug Ducey and the legislature to increase teacher pay and restore the missing $1 billion from the state public education budget.


By staff

México City, México – Fight Back! interviewed leaders of the militant teachers union in Oaxaca, México – the National Coordinator of Education Workers (CNTE) Section 22. The interview was done on March 5, during the 18th Congress of the World Federation of Teachers Unions (FISE) in Mexico City. In this interview, CNTE Section 22 leaders talk about the history of militant teachers’ struggle in Oaxaca and their current struggles to stop neoliberal education reform while confronting serious state repression.


By Dave Schneider

‘Strike fever’ hits the Garden State as teachers push back to protect health care

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Jersey City, NJ – On March 16, public school teachers in Jersey City, New Jersey went on strike after months of frustrating contract negotiations with the city’s Board of Education. Their union, the Jersey City Education Association (JCEA), announced the strike to their nearly 4000 members late on the night of March 15.


By Brad Sigal

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The Puerto Rican Teachers Federation and allied teachers’ organizations in the Broad Front in Defense of Public Education (FADEP) have called a national teachers’ strike in Puerto Rico for March 19. The strike is in response to the Puerto Rican House of Representatives passing an education reform bill this week that would introduce charter schools and private school vouchers and that would close hundreds of public schools. The government is trying to opportunistically push through this sweeping attack while Puerto Rico is still recovering from the destruction of Hurricane Maria.


By Redacción

México City, México – ¡Lucha y Resiste! entrevistó a Ibai Redondo, un representante del sindicato de maestros que forma parte de la federación sindical Langile Abertzaleen Batzordeak (LAB) en el País Vasco. La entrevista fue realizada el 5 de marzo 2018 durante el 18 congreso de la Federación Internacional de la Enseñanza (FISE) en la Ciudad de México. En la entrevista Redondo habla sobre porque hay una lucha en el País Vasco por la independencia de España, su perspectiva sobre la Unión Europea, y algunas de las luchas del sindicato de maestros.

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By staff

México City, México – Fight Back! News interviewed Ibai Redondo, a representative of the teachers union that’s part of the union federation Langile Abertzaleen Batzordeak (LAB) in the Basque Country. The interview was done on March 5, 2018 at the 18th Congress of the World Federation of Teachers Unions (FISE) in Mexico City. In this interview, Redondo speaks about why there is a struggle in the Basque Country for independence from Spain, his perspective on the European Union, and some of the struggles that the teachers union is waging.


By Redacción

México City, México – El 5 de marzo ¡Lucha y Resiste! entrevistó a Niurka González Orberá, Secretaria General del Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación, la Ciencia y el Deporte (SNTECD). La entrevista fue realizada en el 18 congreso de la Federación Internacional de la Enseñanza (FISE) en la Ciudad de México.

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By staff

México City, México – On March 5, Fight Back! News interviewed Niurka González Orberá, the General Secretary of the Cuban Union of Education, Science, and Sports Workers (SNTECD). The interview was done at the 18th Congress of the World Federation of Teachers Unions (FISE) in Mexico City.


By staff

Members of the newly-elected leadership of FISE

México City, México – On March 5 the World Federation of Teachers Unions (FISE) successfully concluded its 18th Congress in México City. Militant teachers and education workers from around the world gathered to strategize how to resist regressive ‘education reform’ proposals that capitalist governments are pushing forward in country after country to corporatize and privatize public education.


By staff

Niurka González Orbera, General Secretary of Cuba's National Union of Workers in

México City, México – Militant teachers and education workers from around the world gathered to strategize in México City, March 4, the opening day of the 18th Congress of FISE (International Federation of the Education Sector). FISE is the education sector organization of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), an international union federation with more than 92 million members worldwide that is based on class struggle unionism, union democracy, internationalism and anti-imperialism.


By staff

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Charleston, WV — Teachers and their supporters rally inside the State Capitol in Charleston. Members of the education and staff unions plan on continuing the strike that has shut down schools across the state. At issue is a wage increase and health care coverage.

#CharlestonWV #PeoplesStruggles #strike #teachersUnions #Strikes #WestVirginia

By staff

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Charleston, WV — Teachers and their supporters rally at the State Capitol, in Charleston, Feb. 26. As of March 1, schools remain closed across West Virginia, as members of education and staff unions continue their battle for improved wages and health care coverage.

#CharlestonWV #PeoplesStruggles #teachers #strike #TeachersUnions #WestVirginia

By staff

St Paul, MN – The Saint Paul Federation of Teachers (SPFT) says that educators will strike beginning Feb. 13, if no settlement is reached in ongoing contract talks with the Saint Paul Public Schools (SPPS).


By staff

St. Paul, MN — By an overwhelming majority, members of the Saint Paul Federation of Teachers (SPFT) voted to authorize a strike Jan. 31. Approximately two-thirds of members voted at the InterContinental Hotel in downtown Saint Paul. Of the votes, 82.0% of school and community service professionals, 89.5% of educational assistants, and 85.1% of teachers and licensed staff voted yes to authorize a strike.


By Brad Sigal

_Pushing back against ‘disaster capitalism’ measures _

Protest demanding reopening of Escuela Bilingüe Padre Rufo in Santurce, PR

In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria’s devastation in Puerto Rico, the Puerto Rican Teachers Federation (FMPR, for their initials in Spanish) has been warning for weeks that Department of Education Secretary Julia Keleher was going to use the crisis as an opportunity to try to close hundreds of Puerto Rico’s public schools. This is something that those in power have wanted to do for a long time but haven’t been able to due to resistance from teachers and communities defending their schools.


By staff

Interview with Eulalia “Laly” Centeno

Eulalia “Laly” Centeno

Eulalia “Laly” Centeno was interviewed Oct. 23 at the Puerto Rican Teachers Federation office in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Centeno is a teacher at the Salvador Brau Elementary School in Cayey and active with the Puerto Rican Teachers Federation. She talks about the danger of the government using the crisis of Hurricane Maria to impose massive school closings and privatize public education in Puerto Rico – as they’ve tried to do for years but have not been able to because of resistance from teachers and the community. She warns that the government is using the model that was used in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, when public schools were closed en masse and changed to privatized charter schools. Interview and translation into English by Brad Sigal. Fight Back!: Can you tell us who you are and what’s happening with your school? Eulalia Centeno: I’m Eulalia Centeno Ramos, better known as Laly Centeno. I’m a teacher and affiliated with the Puerto Rican Teachers Federation (FMPR). I’m an elementary school teacher at the school called Salvador Brau, which is a K-6 school. In this difficult moment that the country is living through, the school where I work is in the best possible condition because it has electricity, it has water, and it’s clean because the teachers and workers of the school did all the cleaning. We got everything ready. We organized the program to welcome back students and start the academic process. All areas are ready to start classes.


By staff

Mercedes Martínez, President of the Puerto Rican Teachers Federation

Mercedes Martinez was interviewed on Oct. 22 in San Juan, just over a month after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico. Martinez is president of the Puerto Rican Teachers Federation (FMPR). The FMPR is a leading force in the struggle to defend public education and workers’ rights in Puerto Rico against attacks and attempted privatization. In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, they initiated volunteer work brigades to address people's immediate dire needs, while also speaking out and mobilizing against the government's developing plan to use the hurricane as a pretext to close and privatize schools, like what happened in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, when public schools were replaced by charter schools. Interview and translation to English by Brad Sigal. Fight Back: We're here in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Let's start with who you are and what is the Puerto Rican Teachers Federation? Mercedes Martínez: I'm Mercedes Martínez Padilla, president of the Puerto Rican Teachers Federation. The Federation is a union of Puerto Rican teachers, education workers, social workers, advisors, librarians. Educators who struggle to defend public and liberatory education in our country, in defense of the rights of Puerto Rican teachers above all, and for accessible and quality public education for our students.


By staff

Teacher Sarah Chambers, fired for leading the fight against the attacks.on Speci

Chicago, IL – Teachers and parents fighting Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s attacks on public education scored a concession from the city. In April, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) fired Sarah Chambers, the teacher who chairs the Special Education Task Force for the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU). The fightback to this latest attack got the administration to end a budgeting practice implemented last year known as “comingling.”


By Jazmine Salas

Karen Lewis, president of CTU, speaking in support of Sarah Chambers.

CHICAGO, IL- The movement to ‘Let Sarah Chambers Teach’ has grown since her May termination from Maria Saucedo Academy. An online petition calling for her reinstatement has gathered nearly 4000 signatures; a support rally organized in April drew a crowd of over 100, and 28 aldermen have re-leased letters of support for the educator.

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