Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Utah Teamsters petition for the O’Brien-Zuckerman leadership slate accreditation

Tampa, FL – Rank-and-file Teamsters all across the country have been petitioning for the O’Brien-Zuckerman leadership slate accreditation for the upcoming 2021 Teamster election. The slate, out of the Teamsters United coalition, is led by Sean O’Brien for general president and Fred Zuckerman for general secretary-treasurer. Teamsters United is a large coalition within the Teamsters union fighting for better contracts, a stronger union, and for worker power against the boss.


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Chicago, IL – Frontrunning candidate for the next general president of the Teamsters, Sean O’Brien, addressed the convention of Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU), November 2. O’Brien, who currently leads Local 25, spoke about the future of the Teamsters. The election will take place in 2021.

#ChicagoIL #PeoplesStruggles #Teamsters #TeamstersForADemocraticUnionTDU #SeanOBrien

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