Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Immigrant rights activists protest

Immigrant rights activists protest at MN Senator Franken's campaign office

Saint Paul, MN – Immigrant rights activists protested outside Senator Franken's campaign office Sept. 11, to send the message, “No more deportations, no more delays, no more excuses.” After demonstrating outside, they marched into the office and presented their demands to three Franken campaign staff members. Several community members spoke passionately to the Franken representatives. They said Franken should make a public statement reversing himself and calling for Obama to take executive action now to stop deportations. The Franken staff members said they would pass what people said on to the senator.


By staff

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St. Paul, MN – 150 people gathered here for Women Against Military Madness’ weekly Friday Palestine vigil, Aug. 1, at the intersection of Summit and Snelling Avenues. Protesters chanted “Free Palestine” and got honks from drivers. This was the third Friday vigil since the start of the recent upsurge in Palestine.


By staff

Crowd outside Senator Franken 's office

St. Paul, MN – More than 300 people demonstrated in front of Senator Al Franken’s campaign office here, July 30, while 15 people were arrested for civil disobedience inside his office. This protest was the ninth demonstration in solidarity with the people of Palestine in recent weeks in Minnesota.


By staff

Anti War Committee banner at Gaza solidarity protest.

St. Paul, MN – More than 200 people gathered at the busy intersection of Snelling and Summit Avenues here, July 25, to protest the continued war on Gaza and the U.S. support for the Israeli assault. This protest was the eighth demonstration to stand with the people of Gaza in the past three week in the Twin Cities.


By mick

Sabry Wazwaz, of the Minnesota Anti-War Committee speaking at July 11 protest.

St. Paul, MN – About 250 supporters of Palestine rallied here, July 11, to protest Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza. More than 100 people have been killed by Israeli airstrikes over the last several days. These air attacks often target homes. There are indications that Israel is preparing for a ground invasion of Gaza.


By Redacción

Manifestacion el 1ro de mayo en Saint Paul, Minnesota

Saint Paul, MN – El 1ro de mayo, el día internacional de los trabajadores, alrededor de dos mil personas marcharon dos millas y media desde la mansión del gobernador hasta el capitolio estatal. La marcha tuvo cuatro demandas: licencias de conducir para todos, derechos para los trabajadores, una reforma migratoria justa, y no más deportaciones.

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By staff

May 1 demonstration at Minnesota State Capitol

Saint Paul, MN – On May 1, International Workers Day, around 2000 people marched two and a half miles from the Governor’s Mansion to the State Capitol. The march raised four demands: drivers licenses for all, workers rights, just immigration reform, and no more deportations.


By Brad Sigal

Protest at Minnesota Capitol March 26 demands drivers licenses for all

Saint Paul, MN – More than three hundred Latino immigrants and supporters rallied in the Capitol rotunda and marched to Governor Dayton’s office March 26 to press Governor Dayton and House Speaker Paul Thissen to pass HF348, the bill for drivers licenses for all. The rally was organized by Mesa Latina and supported broadly by the immigrant rights movement.


By Tracy Molm

Welfare Rights Committee sit-in in Governor Dayton's office

St. Paul, MN – On March 25 Welfare Rights Committee (WRC) members sat in at Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton’s office throughout the morning to demand welfare grant increases for poor families in Minnesota. The sit-in was timed to coincide with a Senate hearing on bills pushed by the Welfare Rights Committee.


By staff

Teachers’ union strike vote looms next week

St Paul Federation of Teachers rally at School Board meeting Feb. 18

Saint Paul, MN – A sea of red spread over the Saint Paul School District headquarters Feb. 18 as more than 500 teachers and their supporters rallied at the school board meeting, most wearing the color used by the Saint Paul Federation of Teachers. The group rallied outside the School District building at 360 Colbourne then marched inside to pack the board meeting. Teachers and their supporters overwhelmed the meeting room, spilling out and filling two overflow rooms. Speaker after speaker told the school board and Superintendent Silva that they need to actually negotiate with the teachers if they want to avoid a strike. Teachers have set a strike vote for Feb. 24.