Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Jessica Schwartz

Panelists Hassan Shibly (left), Cassia Laham, and Mick Kelly, at Tampa program

Tampa, FL – A group of 50 people gathered at the First United Church of Tampa for a panel discussion, “State Repression and the War on Terror.” Speakers focused on the U.S. government targeting of Arab-Americans, Muslims and anti-war activists for political repression.


By Corey Uhl

New York, NY – Over 35 people gathered at the historic Riverside Church in Harlem, Feb. 13 to show solidarity with Rasmea Odeh. Odeh is a 68-year-old Arab American Chicago community organizer and women’s leader. She faces sentencing for an immigration violation in Detroit on March 12. The Department of Homeland Security and U.S. prosecutors singled her out because of her political views and activity opposing wars and military occupations.


By staff

Detroit, MI – Chicago’s 68-year-old Palestinian community leader, Rasmea Odeh, is set to appear in a Detroit federal court for sentencing on March 12, following her conviction on a single charge of Unlawful Procurement of Naturalization. On Feb. 13 Federal District Judge Gershwin Drain issued an order denying two motions by Odeh’s defense team. One motion called for a new trial because of a number of legal errors in the court’s rulings in her November trial. Another called for the judge to set aside the jury’s decision altogether.


By Jim Byrne

Tucson, AZ – People gathered Feb. 15 at a local radical bookstore and café to watch and listen to the inspiring words of Rasmea Odeh by video conference. The 67-year-old Arab American woman faces the possibility of a 10-year prison sentence, loss of citizenship and deportation. Odeh spoke of the importance of organizing resistance to the political agenda that criminalizes activism.


By staff

Tampa protest demands justice for Rasmea Odeh.

Tampa, FL – On Feb. 13 the Committee to Stop FBI Repression-Tampa held a sign-holding in support of Rasmea Odeh during the National Week of Action to Defend Rasmea Odeh.


By staff

Protest vigil and live stream speaking event planned for Feb. 13

Minneapolis, MN – Protests, speaking events and fundraisers are being organized across the U.S. as part of the growing national movement to win justice for Rasmea Odeh. Two events will take place in the Twin Cities on Friday, Feb. 13. First is the weekly Palestine Solidarity Vigil to Demand Justice for Rasmea, 4:30 to 5:30 at the intersection of Summit and Snelling Avenues in Saint Paul, followed by a speech by Rasmea Odeh, via live stream, which will be at the center of an event running from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at 4200 Cedar Avenue in Minneapolis.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Organizers of the Feb. 9 through 15 national week of actions to defend Palestinian American leader Rasmea Odeh say that activists in cities across the U.S. are committing to take action and momentum around the case is growing. Odeh was convicted of trumped-up immigration charges last year, and is facing up to 10 years of prison and deportation at her sentencing in Detroit, March 12.


By staff

Chicago, IL – Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) Chicago Network is hosting a fundraiser Feb. 3 to celebrate the resilience of Rasmea Odeh. The event, at 8:00 p.m. at DePaul University, will include dinner, a comedy performance from Amer Zahr, spoken word and dance performances and a speech from a representative of the Rasmea Defense Committee. All proceeds from the fundraiser will go to Odeh’s legal defense fund.


By staff

Chicago, IL – Organizers of the nationwide effort to get justice for longtime Palestinian American leader Rasmea Odeh are urging an all-out mobilization for Odeh’s sentencing in Detroit Federal Court on the morning of March 12. Odeh is facing deportation and up to ten years in jail on a trumped-up immigration charge.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Rasmea Defense Committee