Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Alekos Zambrano

Protesters standing with Rasmea Odeh outside the Sam Gibbons Courthouse March 12

Tampa, FL – A small but passionate group of about 12 people gathered on the steps of the Sam Gibbons Federal Courthouse building here, March 12, to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian American leader Rasmea Odeh. The action coincided with the Detroit sentencing of Odeh on trumped-up immigration charges.


By Tom Burke

Rasmea Odeh's sentencing hearing March 12 in Detroit

Detroit, MI — Palestinian American women’s leader Rasmea Odeh was welcomed with cheers as she walked out of court on March 12 into the arms of 200 supporters. The crowd chanted “Rasmea! Rasmea! Rasmea!”


By Jared Hoey

Michela Martinazzi of FRSO talks about the history of International Women's Day

Tampa, FL – Freedom Road Socialist Organization hosted a discussion panel for International Women's Day, March 8, at the First United Church of Tampa. Groups that spoke at the event included the local immigrant rights group Raices en Tampa and the Committee to Stop FBI Repression-Tampa.


By Joe Iosbaker

Chicago, IL – Rasmea Odeh celebrated International Women’s Day with over 125 supporters in Chicago, March 8. She appeared in strong spirits, as she prepares for her sentencing hearing in Detroit in just four days.


By staff

Rasmea Odeh

Fight Back News is circulating Rasmea Odeh's March 8 speech at the Chicago International Women’s Day event.


By Brad Sigal

Stephanie Taylor (standing) of Freedom Road Socialist Organization speaking at T

Minneapolis, MN – About 40 people came together here, March 8, to celebrate International Women’s Day. The program included speakers from the trade union, welfare rights, student and anti-war movements.


By Angela Y. Davis

For one hundred and six years working class and progressive men and women over the entire world have been marching and demanding equal rights for women on March 8. This is a cornerstone of the unity that we all know is required if we are to win the liberation of the people from exploitation, white supremacist racism, and grinding poverty that afflicts a fourth of the world’s people, according to the World Bank. It is outrageous that four days later, on March 12, 2015, in a Federal Court in Detroit Michigan, the U. S. Justice Department will be asking Judge Gershwin A. Drain to sentence Rasmea Odeh, a courageous activist for women’s rights and human rights, to five to seven years in prison, according to news reports. This is far beyond the federally recommended guidelines of 12-21 months.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating a speech that U.S. anti-war activist Joe Iosbaker delivered at a conference in Moscow, Feb. 24. The conference, called “Developments in Civil Society in Russia and the USA,” featured talks by several generations of anti-imperialist activists. A special guest was the Venezuelan Ambassador to Russia, Hoglys Martinez Nunez. U.S. imperialism and the war on Arabs and Muslims


By Meredith Aby

Members of the Anti War Committee who organized the Rock for Rasmea event.

On Feb. 21, the MN Anti-War Committee (AWC) held Rock for Rasmea, a multimedia benefit show, to raise money for the legal defense of Palestinian activist Rasmea Odeh.


By staff

Chicago, IL – Defense attorneys for Rasmea Odeh, Chicago’s 68-year-old Palestinian community leader, filed a ‘sentencing memorandum’ in a Detroit federal court, Feb. 25, arguing that Odeh “should not be sentenced to further imprisonment” following her conviction in November 2014 on a single charge of Unlawful Procurement of Naturalization.