Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Miami protest demands freedom for Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab.

Miami, FL – 20 activists gathered at the Federal Courthouse here, to demand the release of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, who has been detained in Miami since October when the United States government kidnapped him from Cape Verde. Saab’s supporters brought banners and signs with messages of solidarity, chanted “Free Alex Saab” and answered questions from reporters who converged on the courthouse.


By Jim Byrne

Tucson, AZ – Camila Saab, the wife of Alex Saab, a Venezuelan diplomat illegally detained by the U.S., will speak on a webinar organized by the Alliance for Global Justice on February 3 at 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time. There will be an update on his case and opportunities to participate in actions to demand his freedom.


By Mark Burton

Carmen Villalba

The Paraguayan government is illegally detaining Carmen Villalba despite her completion of all prison sentences. Carmen Villalba is a political prisoner under arbitrary detention. This violation of the law by Paraguayan officials is a continuation of the vendetta, often deadly, against her and her family.


By staff

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Fight Back! is circulating the following statement from the Committee to Free Simon Trinidad. Simon Trinidad is a prisoner of the U.S. empire who has done nothing wrong, only struggled to free his country.


By staff

Simon Trinidad.

Fight Back! interviews Mark Burton, attorney for Colombian revolutionary Simon Trinidad who is a political prisoner held by the U.S. government. Simon Trinidad, also known as Ricardo Palmera, is a good man who has done nothing wrong. His only crime is to fight for the freedom and independence of his own country, taking the side of Colombian workers and peasants. Due to U.S. government repression, we are unable to interview Simon Trinidad directly. Check out the campaign to Free Simon Trinidad at


By Tom Burke

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Chicago, IL – El destacado Argentino Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Premio Nobel de la Paz, y otros 43 activistas de los derechos humanos de 18 países, han escrito al Presidente Donald Trump pidiéndole que libere a Simón Trinidad, 7 de enero, 2021.

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By Mark Burton

Facundo Molares

Political prisoner Facundo Molares, an Argentinian photojournalist who was incarcerated by the Bolivian Añez regime, is now safely home in his native Argentina.


By Jess Sundin

Myon Burrell moments after his release from Stillwater prison.

Bayport, MN – After 18 long years, Myon Burrell walked out the doors of Stillwater prison, to a cheering crowd of family and 100-plus community supporters. First embraced by his sister Ianna Burrell from the front, and his son Myon Burrell, Jr. from the back, he slowly made his way to the outside stairs to chants of, “Welcome home!” and “Myon’s free!”


By Organización Socialista del Camino a la Libertad

A través del país, el gobierno Gringo, está soltando una oleada de represión atentando a criminalizar a todos aquellos que protestan contra los asesinatos de los afroamericanos y otras gentes oprimidas a manos de la policía. Nosotros le hacemos un llamado al pueblo a resistir la represión y trabajar hacia la revolución por medio de protestas masivas, y a unirse a grupos socialistas como lo es la FRSO.

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Protest at Washington DC courthouse following the conviction of  FARC leader Ric

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following declaration demanding the release of Ricardo Palmera (Simon Trinidad). Freedom Road Socialist Organization is one of the signers.