Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Erika Zurawski

Student Protest at U of M

Minneapolis, MN -A two thousand-plus crowd of high school, college and even elementary school students gathered at the University of Minnesota student union, Nov. 2 to protest the war on Iraq and demand that military recruiters get out of their schools.


By staff

Banner: "Stop the War"

Los Angeles, CA – More than 500 students, teachers, union members and parents rallied and marched here, March 17 to demand an end to the U.S. occupation of Iraq, that military recruiters get out of schools and to call for a stop to attacks on immigrants. Latinos Against the War organized the action. A statement from the organizers said, “The military recruiters target immigrant Latino youth while their parents are victims of racist legislation like HR 4437 and deportations by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The U.S. military recruits Latino youth for war and the ICE deports their parents.”

Sign: Who Dies for Bush's Lies?

#LosAngelesCA #AntiwarMovement #News #Iraq #ChicanoLatino #militaryRecruiters #LatinosAgainstWar #ImmigrationAndCustomsEnforcementICE

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By staff

Los Angeles, CA – On Aug. 27, Latinos Against War In Iraq, SEIU Local 660, National Chicano Moratorium Committee, Partido Nacional de La Raza Unida, MECHA and other community and labor groups will participate in a mass march and rally to demand an end to the U.S. occupation of Iraq. The demands also include that the U.S. get out of Latin America and an end to U.S. military recruiting of Latino youth in high schools. The protest will start at 10 a.m. in Belvedere Park, East Los Angeles and will m arch to Salazar Park for rally at noon.


By Carlos Montes

Press conference at L.A.’s Roosevelt High School

Los Angeles, CA – Students and parents in East Los Angeles want decent schools. Centro CSO has been organizing for over two years to pressure the Los Angeles Unified School District to build a new high school in Boyle Heights to relieve the extremely overcrowded conditions at Roosevelt High School. The L.A. Unified School District will present the preliminary design at a community meeting at the Utah Street School on April 14.


By Katrina Plotz

banner - "Recruiters lie, students die."

Minnesota saw a wave of dramatic anti-war protests at military recruitment centers, April 23. The call of the Twin Cities based Anti-War Committee for April 23 to be Zero Recruitment Day was taken up by a host of anti-war groups that joined together, visibly opposing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, exposing recruiter lies and preventing military recruiting that day.