Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Locked out Mayo workers stand up to corporate greed.

Albert Lea, MN — On Dec. 20, Mayo Albert Lea Hospital blocked 79 SEIU Healthcare MN hospital workers from returning to work after they went out on a one-day strike the day before. The members went on strike because they have been without a contract for over a year.


By staff

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Albert Lea, MN – Members and supporters of SEIU Healthcare Minnesota on the picket line Dec. 19, in a one-day Unfair Labor Practice strike at Mayo Clinic’s Albert Lea Hospital. Mayo refused to bargain with the union in good faith.

#AlbertLeaMN #strike #Strikes #mayo #SEIUHealthCareMN

By staff

Rochester, MN – Members of SEIU Healthcare MN, AFSCME Council 65 and Teamsters 120 have spent the last year in a battle with Mayo Clinic. It started with Mayo’s surprise announcement in July 2016 that they would subcontract Mayo food service workers out to Morrison Food Services starting in 2017. The affected food service workers are employed at Mayo’s southern Minnesota locations in Rochester, Albert Lea Austin and Fairmont.

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