Los Angeles, CA – Más de 60 personas asistieron a una protesta aquí cerca del Edificio de la Corte Criminal el 12 de agosto para exigir el fín de los cargos contra el lider chicano y activista anti-guerra Carlos Montes. Montes ya se había presentado en la Corte de Alhambra, California el 6 de julio, donde él se declaró innocente de las 6 felonías relacionadas a las leyes de armas de California.
Los Angeles, CA – More than 60 people joined a spirited picket line here at the Criminal Courts Building, Aug. 12, to demand all charges against veteran Chicano leader and anti-war activist Carlos Montes be dropped. Montes previously appeared in Alhambra Court July 6, where he declared himself not guilty of six felonies relating to California’s firearm laws.
Los Angeles, CA – Supporters of veteran Chicano activist Carlos Montes gathered on July 6 at the Alhambra courthouse in East Los Angeles. Montes appeared in court to enter a plea of not guilty to six felony charges that were filed after a SWAT team and FBI agents raided his home on May 17. More than 60 people came out to picket and rally in his defense at the court and packed the courtroom during the hearing.
Fight Back News Service is circulating this call to action from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression. Carlos Montes, of Los Angeles, has been a progressive activist for decades, most recently with the Committee to Stop FBI Repression. At the behest of the FBI, Los Angeles sheriffs violently raided Montes’ home on May 17, seizing crates of political items unrelated to the charges. Montes goes to court on trumped up charges on July 6. The Committee to Stop FBI Repression is organizing a national movement to defend him.
Los Angeles, CA – Video of veteran Chicano activist Carlos Montes speaking after his June 16 Court appearance. Montes talks about the LA Sheriffs and FBI raid on his home, legal developments in the case, and how his case is an extension of the repression that is being employed against anti war and international solidarity activists in other parts of the United States.
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following petition demanding an end to the prosecution of veteran Chicano leader Carlos Montes. We urge all of our readers to sign it.
Los Angeles, CA – On May 20, a lively crowd of over 100 supporters gathered in front of the Federal Building in downtown Los Angeles to denounce the recent home invasion and arrest of Carlos Montes. Montes is a veteran Chicano activist and member of the Los Angeles Committee to Stop FBI Repression. The crowd represented a diverse range of local activist groups and movements – including LAUSD teachers and parent activists, members of the immigrant rights movement, anti-cutback activists from the University of California, organizers against police brutality and representatives from international solidarity movements.