Los Angeles, CA – A mural commemorating the historic 1968 East LA Chicano high school walkouts was dedicated here, at Lincoln High School, March 25. The mural was created by Lincoln High School students who are part of the Behind the Heights Art Team.
Los Angeles, CA – Several hundred students and community members held a protest march and rally on the campus of Cal State University of Los Angeles (CSULA), Feb. 4. The protest was in response to the Academic Senate voting down, by 20 to 29, a proposal made the previous week by the Pan-African Studies Department to incorporate ‘Ethnic Studies’ as part of the General Education requirements, starting in Fall 2016.
Los Angeles, CA – After years of community mobilization and pressure put on state politicians, California Governor Jerry Brown signed AB60, into law in October of 2013. AB60 will allow undocumented immigrants to get drivers licenses, but not until January 1, 2015. That means that for the rest of 2014, California police will continue to seize the cars of undocumented drivers. These cars are impounded, many for 30 days, forcing the undocumented to pay hundreds and even thousands of dollars to get their cars back.
Los Angeles, CA – Over 100 students, community activists, faculty, staff and others jammed the Cal State University of Los Angeles (CSULA) faculty Academic Senate, Jan. 28, to demonstrate support for Ethnic Studies – Chicana/o Studies, Pan-African Studies and Asian American Studies – becoming part of the General Education program.
Los Angeles, CA – Carlos Montes, a nationally respected leader in the Chicano, immigrant rights and anti-war movements, donated his archive collection to California State University, Los Angeles, Jan. 16.
Los Angeles, CA – “Sheriff Baca led a reign of terror on immigrants, especially against Mexican and Latinos,” states veteran Chicano leader Carlos Montes. Baca made the public announcement Jan. 7 that he would be stepping down as the head of the largest sheriff department in the U.S. “He believed that undocumented people did not have any civil rights,” said Montes.
Los Angeles, CA – Centro CSO and Latinos Against War and the community hit the streets on August 29 – the anniversary of our Chicano Moratorium Memorial Day of Resistance against war. Protesters demanded no U.S. war on the people of Syria and the Middle East and called for ending military recruitment aimed at our Latino and immigrant youth.
Los Angeles, CA – Under the slogan “Education not war!” Boyle Heights community members participated in a townhall meeting to commemorate the Chicano Moratorium Day of Resistance. The event was sponsored by California State University, Los Angeles MEChA and the Community Action Taskforce on Chicano Studies Education (CATChE).
Anti-war action on anniversary of the historic Chicano Moratorium
Los Angeles, CA – “We must protest publicly the threatened U.S. military attacks against the people of Syria and denounce the government and media lies used to justify a missile attack. We must also continue to expose the U.S. military targeting the poor – especially Blacks and Chicanos – for recruitment,” states veteran Chicano and anti war activist Carlos Montes.